Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Karanda Newbert

The whole of Levi's Squad were at the dining table, eating, talking, and doing anything that they wanted to do at the time. Eren was at one end of the table, and Levi at the other sipping his coffee as always. Eren watched him pick his cup up by the rim in his odd handling and slowly brought the cup up to his lips. As Levi set his cup down he noticed the burning stare from the green eyed boy. Levi slowly stood up from the chair and walked over to Eren. Levi stopped next to the boy and saw the shock in Eren's eyes as he looked up at Levi.

"C-Corporal?" Eren questioned stuttering and looking down in embarrassment. Earning looks from the other team members. Levi brought his right hand up slowly tracing down Eren's jawbone stopping at his chin, and bringing his head up slightly. Leaning in slightly  and kissed Eren softly. At first Eren didn't really know what to do, his captain was kissing him in front of the entire team!As Levi pulled away Eren found himself wishing that that kiss could have lasted forever, but all good things must come to an end, and Eren knew all too well.

"Um... Corporal?" Eren asked, not sure how to react to what had just happened.

"Well, I'll be going now." Levi said ignoring Eren's and his teams looks.

"Wait, Levi where are you going!" Petra cried desperately.

"To my room. Where do you think?" Levi snapped back not really thinking about who he was talking to. Levi climbed the stairs to his room over hearing the loud screams of Hanji.

"Yahoo! I told you, now pay up!"

That shitty glasses was betting on me

"Wait, Hanji you were betting on us?" Eren asked in shock.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I bet on you too!" Hanji said a little too excitedly

"So, Eren what are you going to do now?" Auruo asked blankly.

"What?... Oh. I don't know. What should I do?" Eren quickly look at the people around the room.

"You should go talk to him duh!" Hanji said in her usual happy tone.

"Yeah! You should, take a chance and go talk with him." Petra said reassuringly, in her sweet tone.

"Okay..." Eren said uneasily as he got up and walked to the staircase that Levi had just went up. Eren looked back at the rest of the squad; just to get two smiles and a big thumbs up from Hanji. Eren looked back at the stairs and started to climb up one at a time as slowly as possible until he got to the long hallway that lead to all the rooms, except his.

"Okay, I can do this." Eren muttered to himself as he walked  all the way down the hall to the very last door. Eren slowly brought his fist up to knock when he heard soft voices. "Oh shit!" Eren thought as he brought his fist down to his side. He got as close to the door as he could to hear the conversation that was going on in Levi's room.

"Do you even know what you did?"

That's Erwin. Eren thought.

"Yes, I know very well what I did."

Levi. Eren said softly in his head Wait, why is Erwin in Levi's room? And what are they talking about? Eren thought. as he listened to Levi and Erwin's conversation.

"Well just in case you really don't know what you did I'll tell you... You kissed Eren in front of the whole of your squad. A squad where you need to be taken seriously!" Erwin's raised voice slightly.

"Yes, I know that, I'm not an idiot." Levi replied in his ice cold voice.

"Oh... so they're talking about me!" Eren said knowingly leaning more onto the door causing it to swing open, and leaving Eren in a heap on the floor in front of Erwin and Levi.

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