Sheith pt. 2

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Warnings that follow:
- Public slight sexual content

As Shiro slept with Keith, the younger soon woke up. Dry tears stained his face. He looked at the older raven, seeing how peaceful he looks. He wiped his eyes, biting his lip. "I love you, Shiro..." he whispered, sitting up. "I need you with me 24/7 and I know you can't do that... but that doesn't excuse the pain you make me feel..." he went on.

He leaned down slowly, knowing he'll hate himself forever, but he needs this. He knows it's wrong, but he can't help himself. He kisses Shiro's lip, and in his own surprise, Shiro kisses back. Keith pulls away quickly, eyes widened, and fearful.

Shiro sat up, not meaning to spook the kid. "I didn't mean to scare you! I'm sorry." He said quickly, looking very worried.

(*cough* Keith's nineteen! Don't worry!!)

Keith sat there, completely still and frozen. He didn't know what to stay. "I.. I-I... you..." he stuttered, utterly shocked.

After a few minutes of very awkward I silence, Keith broke it. "When.. when did you wake... up?" He asked slowly and nervously, trying not to stutter again.

"When you sat up. You know I'm a light sleeper." Shiro said honestly, giving him a wink.

Keith blushed heavily at the wink, looking away. "Are you.. mad..?" He whispered, avoiding eye contact. Though Shiro did indeed kiss back, he still feels like he messed up.

"Of course I'm not mad! If anything... I'm overjoyed! I'm so happy you like me back." He answered with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Keith's face can't possibly get redder. He said nothing more, but quickly hugged Shiro. "I really like you, Shiro... so much and I hate it when I shove you away... I'm sorry.." he told him, biting his tongue.

"It's okay, Keith... I know you were only trying to protect yourself. I understand." Shiro smiled, petting down Keith's hair. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you before..." Shiro told, rubbing his back.

Keith chuckled softly, his blush dying down a whole lot. "I wouldn't believe me either... Takashi..." he muttered with a laugh, looking up at him. He saw a light blush on the older's cheeks.

Shiro never hears his first name from anyone except for when Keith's mad at him. He's never heard him say it like that before. Though, he could've swore he heard Keith repeat it in his room. It was very quiet and muffled though. It almost sounded like moaning?

Keith slowly pulled away from him, then crawled into his lap fully. "What does this make us?" He asks shyly, his hair falling into his face. He feels ashamed of himself for asking.

Shiro thought for a second, definitely not wanting to make him uncomfortable if he says the wrong thing. "I'd like to take you on a date... sometime soon..." he rubbed the back of his own neck, smiling awkwardly.

Keith lit up with excitement, then hugged him tightly again. "Of course!" He giggled.

A few weeks pass, Keith and Shiro are together, and Adam got into huge trouble. Shiro called him out for his lies, to which Adam responded rudely.

Shiro woke up to his alarm clock going off, groaning softly. He shut it off, getting dressed rather quickly. He always gets up before Keith, and actually leaves without him. That's only because Shiro has to get to the Garrison before Keith needs to.

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