The Goddess of Love

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I don't think you know how to love. Ares whispers against her lips. She draws away from him. 'I am the Goddess of love. I have seen love, given love, and blessed love.' She purses her lips. 'I am love.'

You're cruel. Hephaestus says somewhere near her shoulder. 'Destruction and turmoil is all you've ever brought me.' 'I never claimed that love was benevolent. I never said I loved kindly.' She whispers, running a skilled hand along his chest. He sighs and shakes his head. I don't think you know how to love.

s it torture, having a heart that splits in diverging directions? Hermes is lounging comfortably on one of her couches. She turns her head, her shoulders slump. 'I have played this game, you think I don't know how to cope?' His dark head is thrown back in a simple laugh. 'A game implies that it has rules, when we both know it does not.' He plants soft kisses down her back. I don't think you know how to love.

Does it ever hurt less? Artemis lays her head on her shoulder and they both gaze up at the history of the heavens, the one that lays written in splattered stars. 'It will pass. If you wish to forget, then you will.' Her dark eyes bare into her own. 'I want to remember everything.' Aphrodite laughs lightly. 'In a century it will have faded. The memories will ebb and flow. The pain you feel now, will be a dull ache tomorrow.' Pity decorates her face. I don't think you know how to love.

It must be exhausting carrying the hearts of others in your hands. She walks with Hades near the Elysian Fields. 'Not more than carrying the weight of their souls.' His mouth twists into that familiar smirk. 'There are only two certainties; love and death.' 'Death we have not.' Her hand twists a loose curl. 'And sometimes not even love.' He starts soft, but his voice rises steadily. 'No. Always love. You have seen it. You have given it. You have blessed it.' He pauses, 'Surely, you know how to love.'


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