01: oh how I love you

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The door opened slowly and I knew it was time. I couldn't keep the excited smile off my face when someone stepped into the room and closed the door behind them. I turned myself on my back and spread my legs to show them I was awake and aware that they were here. I heard a hum of approval and my smile turned smug and then I heard the lock on my door turn. Good. We wouldn't want to be disturbed. I knew you would return was my thought as slow footsteps could be heard on my grey carpet towards my bed.

When the footsteps ended at the side of my bed,I opened my eyes just to have them meet with bright teal. I wish my bed light was on so I could admire the color more, but that's for another time.

"Hey", he whispers softly and reached out a steady hand to touch my cheek softly "You tired?" He asked me as he strokes my cheek softly. I just let out a sigh at the soft gesture. I love it when he touches me gently, but I love it even more when he works me over. Rough and hard. And it leaves me breathless just thinking about it.

"No", I say and I try to sit up, but he pushes me back down and gets on the bed with me. He spreads my already spreaded legs and gets between them. Not putting his whole weight on top of me. So considered I think. I noticed he had on a plain white short sleeve t-shirt on with blue plead pajama bottoms. He's such an old man at only 27.

Eren Yeager, age 27 and Mikasa Yeager age 28 adopted me a year ago after they found out she couldn't conceive. I don't know why they decided to adopt an older child ,because I'm 17, and not a younger one, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful to them for doing so, I mean how would I have met Eren other wise.

The moment I met Eren I knew I was in trouble. Having already found out I was gay at the age of 14 when I had a girlfriend in one of the foster homes. I never really wanted to do anything with Petra, but one day she kissed me and I freaked out but I didn't do anything but after a while I met a boy. His name was Jason. He was also at the foster care house holding. The thing was he was openly gay and proud so when he grabbed me one day and kissed me I knew ever since then I was totally gay. I mean I liked the kiss way more than Petras, but we didn't pursue anything, for fucks sake I was only 14 and new to the whole liking boys thing. And not to mention experimentation was not high on my list then.

I'm glad I didn't experiment then. Because I experienced most of my first with one green eyed man.

Eren was very caring. A father anyone would have dreamed of having, but I didn't see him as my father nor did I see Mikasa as my mother. That bitch was super controlling and honestly it was getting on my last nerve.

She's always wanting me to do my best in school and i always did. I didn't need her on my ass twenty four seven like I knew I had to do good at school in order for me to have a good future so I chose to Excell in school, but nothing is sever food enough for that bitch. I seriously don't know how Eren copes, even so that got her a bit off my back and well... Eren right on it.

I shifted my body for Eren to move comfortably between my spread legs and he put his hand on my waist and caressed my skin under my black pajama shirt. I'm seriously regretting not going in the nude now that he is here. I let out a sigh when he leant down and pressed an open mouth kiss on my exposed neck and trailed kisses to my jawline. He sucked on the skin but not hard enough to leave a mark but oh how I wanted him to just mark me up. To show everyone that im taken and proudly so.

But we had to be careful, or Mikasa would start questioning me on my marks and we don't want her to find out I'm gay and spoil all my fun.

I would never have guessed Eren was gay though, he was married to a beautiful young woman for 3 years before they decided it was time to have children. So when I found out he was bisexual let's just say it came as a huge surprise to me.

yay so I'm finally updating. See I'm making use of this whole quarantine business. Guys if you've enjoyed my boyfriend is now my girlfriend I'm sure you'll enjoy this story just as much. If you haven't read it yet please go and check it out, also votes and comments welcome.

Peace out ✌️

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