Chapter 1 Tris POV

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(Copy paste from "Allegiant" Pg 474)

       "" I shake my head.

        "I didn't come here to steal anything, David."

        I twist and lunge toward the device."" (end of copy paste) I feel something sharp on my neck. I can't tell if its a bullet or not, all I know is I need to enter the code Caleb has been repeating. I type the code just as I remember. After I enter the code, "The green button" repeats in my head. I press the button and soon after I collapse.

        I can't tell if I'm dying or not. My past is replaying in my mind. I don't fight, I'm enjoying my memories at the thought I'm dying from the bullet. I think its a bullet.


        I'm sitting eating dinner in my Abnegation house. Gray walls and no decorations. Dinner was like any other, unseasoned chicken with bland peas. Its the night before my brother and I choose a Faction that will determine the rest of our lives. My mother and father send my brother and I upstairs, they say we have lots of thinking to do. Which we do.


        I'm now on top of the Ferris wheel with my instructor, Four. We have just located the other teams flag for the Dauntless tradition, Capture the Flag. As I descend, the rung under my foot breaks and plummets to the ground. With out thinking I shout "Four!"

        "I've got an idea, hold on!" he shouts. 

        He got me worried. Instead of climbing up to help me he gets smaller and smaller to my eyes. I clench my hands in fear of falling. Suddenly the wheel starts to move, bringing me down to earth again. After I jumped off and I'm on the ground safely, Four runs over.

        "Are you alright?" he whispers to me. He is only about 6 inches away from me. I want to close the gap, but I can't push myself to do it.

        "I'm.... Alright." I laugh. And he smiles.


        I wake up to shuffling in the dormitory. I sit up and look around to find everyone getting ready. I whisper to Christina, "Hey, whats going on?"I don't get a response. As a look around more carefully everyone is tying their shoes in the same motion. Left to right. I immediately copy their movement and follow them out of the dormitory into the Pit

        After we all have guns, we head toward the trains. I glance around looking for Tobias, but keeping my head straight and the person's head in front of me. I mimic his steps getting up, onto the train. When I'm on the train evenly spaced between the people next to me, I scan every head in front of my looking for Tobias. After looking at almost every head I notice him. His tattoos slightly sticking out of the top out his black t-shirt. I start squeezing past people slowly. Eventually, I'm right next to him. I look at him through the corner of my eye. He is still as a rock as everyone else. Was I wrong about him being Divergent? Just as I'm questioning myself, his hand slips perfectly into mine. I squeeze his hand, and he squeezes back. I can't help but slightly grin, and relax with relieve. I was right.

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