Chapter 6 Tobias POV

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        Tris and I walk back the the airport together. The walk back we are mostly silent. Tris has her lesson with Matthew about history. I go see Christina in the cafe where shes eating lunch. I'm practically sprinting we I spot her sitting with Zeke and Shauna. I slide down the bench, ending up knocking into Zeke. 

        "Jesus  Four!" Shouts Zeke. He punches my shoulder.

        "Sorry" I laugh, smiling like an idiot.

        "What happened to Four? Big, tough instructor?" Christina asks from across the table.

I smile then say "Tris" 

        "Oh my god is she-"

        "Shes back!?!-"

        "What about her??-" They all say at once.

        "Shut up and I will tell you!" I shout back at them. Christina pouts, Zeke punches my arm again, and Shauna rolls her eyes. I laugh at their little pity party.

        " Shes regaining memories! She asked me about peace serum because she had thought about it this morning. She remembered Amity compound and when she was on peace serum after I told her when we were on a walk."

        "Oh my god!" Christina shouts, "This is amazing!!" Shes almost in tears.

         Zeke pats my back "Congrats man." And Shauna grins.

        Excitement fills me. I am so happy. I tell them I have to go. Once I'm out of the cafeteria, I sprint outside. I can stop running. I have to run, just run. 

        I don't realize how long I've been running until I spot the fence. It feels like only a few minutes. I run to it. I feel like I'm running to jump on the train to head to Dauntless compound for the first time. I haven't thought about the old city in a long time. It was a pretty good life for most people. Mine wasn't so good but others had good lives. In Abnegation, you would dedicate your time to help others. Grow up and raise a family to do the same, and repeat. The Dauntless strives for adrenalin rush... I'm disappointed to see everything collapse. We had a pretty good system. The brave, selfless, smart, kind, honest people all corrupt because of the stupid war. I'm pissed and I think of the lives Tris and I could have had. We would be selfless and brave. Together. We would live together with out any worries, grow older and maybe raise a family. I tear up a bit thinking of all the possible outcomes if there was no war. I shake it off. I'm close to Dauntless compound so I have to keep my guard up for any unwanted company. I decide to enter threw the initiation entrance, where you have to jump off a building. I shiver at the thought. Even though I've gotten tougher, I haven't lost my fear of heights. I have to go through that entrance because its most likely vacant. I run on the train tracks and jump to the roof to my right. I have a solid landing, rolling over my shoulder. I stand up and brush the gravel off. I walk to the ledge and peak over. "It will be fine" I repeat to myself. I pace a bit then climb on to the ledge. I take a deep breath and jump. The wind is harsh like I remember. I have no idea how Tris likes this kind of stuff. I hit the net then slide off. Once I steady myself, I head to my apartment. I climb the stairs quietly when a light shines from down the stairs. 

        "Hey! Who's there!?!" Someone shouts. I sprint up the stairs as fast I can. Hitting every other step until I reach my floor. They chase me up but I am significantly faster. I believe its a small group of 2 or 3 people. I race to my room and shut the door trying not to slam it. I hear the footsteps rush past the door down the hall. I breath easier after a few minutes of silence. I wonder who they were? I didn't see any faces. I don't focus on it. I scavenge around my room looking for anything of Tris's that might remind her of before. I walk out on to the balcony. Wow I didn't realize how late it is. the sun is barely peaking over the horizon. I don't have much luck in my room but I grab some of my clothes. I stuff them in a backpack and I head out. I decide to go to the initiates dormitory. Tris might have some stuff there. I walk down the hall to a stair case most don't know about. As I descend, I hear voices.

        "You better find who ever you saw!" Shouts a stern male voice.

        "I'm not sure who it was or where they went... I lost them in the hall upstairs." Another male voice admits

        "If anyone is out after curfew and SHE finds out! It will all be on you three!" He shouts again. 

        "Yes, sir" three voices says simultaneously.

        "Go search the other stair well and check that floor again." The male instructs. I don't hear steps. "NOW" He shouts. The scurry out of my hearing, and the other males foots steps get quieter and quieter. 

So this is good news and bad news. Good news is they don't know I'm an intruder and they are going upstairs to look for me. Which gives me time to go to the dormitory. Bad news is they are still looking for me and I have know idea who is in the compound. They also don't know I'm an intruder and I have no idea a what they are capable of. Thankfully by the looks of it they aren't to good at tracking. I think I will be okay. 

        I head to the dormitory with no problems. I head inside and flip on the lights. I am stunned when I find about 12 pairs of eyes staring at me from the beds. They all look scared shitless. A few let out a short scream.

         "Oh shit." I say aloud. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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