Chapter 3 Tris POV

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I open my eyes to darkness. I'm not sure where I am. My hand is sweaty, It's in someone else's hand. I can't make out their face. I slowly pull my hand out from the persons hand. I believe the hand belongs to a guy, or I would hope so. His hand is huge compared to mine but somehow my hand had fit perfectly with his.The guy is sleeping with his head laid back on the chair he is sitting on, pushed close to the right side of my bed. I slip out of my bed quietly so I don't wake the guy up. I walk to the door and open it slowly. But it creaks loudly when I only opened it a little. I close the door. I don't want to wake him up. Instead I walk to a window on the opposite side of the room. I peel the curtain from the window so I can see out. Its still dark enough to where I can't tell what exactly I am looking at. All I can make out is what I think is a long building about 500 feet away with small, short tunnels extending toward me. I'm not sure what it is or where I am. I put the curtain back. I look at the room again now that my eyes are adjusted. The room isn't big or small its just enough room to have a bed and still be able to walk around. The floor is a dark carpet and the walls are I think a light tan. I walk around a bit to shake off some of the questions that keep popping in my head eventually I carefully slide into the bed and close my eyes. I stop asking myself questions I won't get until the morning and I fall asleep again.
When I wake up in the morning, I'm on my side facing the window on the left side of the bed. The curtain is open letting sunlight in. The guy from last night must have pulled the curtains back because I remember closing them after I looked out last night. One of the only things I actually remember. I sit up and scan the room for the guy whose hand was locked with mine during the night. No one is here but me. I stand up and walk to the chair that he was sitting in. There is a pair of pants, shirt, socks, shoes, brush, and hair tie. I change into the clothes. Not sure if they're mine or not. When I'm done dressing, I walk to the door. I set my ear to the door to see if I hear any voices. I hear about two or three. I twist the handle and look left and then my right. The voices stop. I make eye contact with a tall, skinny guy, then a tall muscular guy, and then a tall, skinny girl. All I do is stare. I'm not sure what to say. I wait for one of them to say something. The girl starts walking toward me. While the skinny guy takes the muscular guy around the corner. When she is about 5 feet away she says something but I can't quiet understand because there is a small ringing in my ear.
        "Huh?" I say
        "How are you feeling?" she stops in front of me blocking my view of the guys.
        "Um," I look behind her in hope of seeing the guys. No luck, "I'm okay."
        "Are you hungry?" she asks.
        Eating didn't even cross my mind. But I'm starving. "Yes."
We walk together down some long and wide hallways. I try to remember how to get back to the room I was in, but I lose track. We arrive at some tables where people are sitting down eating. We walk around the tables to where the food is and grab plates. I feel everyone's eyes on me. I don't look around until after I get my food. I got 2 muffins, a banana, and some sort of juice. I follow the girl to a table and I sit across from her so I can see the other tables. Everyone has stopped staring. I'm not sure why they were staring in the first place. I'm not anyone special. Or am I?... Who am I??
        The girl and I sit quietly eating for a few minutes and then she says, "You must be really hungry."
Without realizing it I had already finished both my muffins and banana and just finishing my juice. "Hmmhmm" I reply with my mouth full of muffin. She laughs.
        "I'm Christina by the way. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself." She looks away.
        "It's okay. I'm ... " I look down.
        "It's okay, I know who you are." Christina smiles. Obviously faking, she doesn't look comfortable.
How does she know me? I don't even know who I am...
        "Um I know this will sound weird but, who am I?" I feel like I could cry, but I don't. I feel so out of control.
        "Your name is Tris," she doesn't make eye contact, "You're 16, and," long pause, " We were best friends."
So many questions rush through my head but I only ask the one that seems most important.
        "Why don't I remember anything?" She looks like she's going to cry.
        "There is this thing... Well It all started..... Um-" Shes crying now, "Sorry," She wipes her face. "Matthew will explain what happened later. Is that okay?" she looks up. 
No, It's not! I need answers! I don't know anything! I don't know where I am, why I'm here and most importantly what happened!! I'm filled with anger and me cheeks are hot. Then I start to feel bad. She looks in pain every time she looks at me even when she smiles. I walk around the table and give her a hug.
         "Yeah that's fine. See we can still be friends." I smile at  her. I take her trash and dump it for her. I come back and sit next to her again. She smiles and wipes her eyes.
         "Stiff!" She laughs and hugs me. "It's good to know you're still in there somewhere." she giggles for the first time.
It sounds familiar but I can't attach it to a memory sadly. I'm just glad I'm getting somewhere. She grabs my hand and pulls me up.
        "Lets show you around now." She says.
We go around and she explains the Purity War and the Experiment with the Factions. Although she didn't bring up my family back round or where I came from, but I'm to interested to care. Christina said I will meet Matthew tomorrow because he is working on something in the lab. I will talk with him every other day to learn about everything I forgot and why I don't remember. I head to my room in the hospital section of the airport so I can get some rest. I want to be as aware as possible for when I meet Matthew and learn more about myself and what happened. I also want to run into tob- Tobias. I really want to get to know him. I want to know why I would've taken a bullet for him... But I don't want to make him uncomfortable about me not being... me. Well as I was. I will never know him as before. I will never be the old Tris. I'm just the new one.
Just Tris.
Just me.
I guess I will give it time. Or not. Maybe I should live this new life and forget what's forgotten. A fresh start. 

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