Anne's P.O.V
I just don't know how to feel about this. its like you want to be angry but you're not. you wanna punch him sooo much that you can't. its like all i wanna do is ki-. "Anne?!. you spaced out again we're almost at the beach." Di said.1 more week and i'll be able to finally tell Cole and Diana whats been going on. "we're here!!!" Ruby ran out of the car and placed the blanket and the picnic. they also invited some guys so that there's more of us. so the guest list is:
Ughhh Gilbert. Why.i got to the beach and placed another basket on the blanket while Ruby helped Diana with the tent. one by one everyone came.
"hey Anne" Gil said with a smile. i noticed his face was turning pink. noticing Ruby and Diana i snapped out of thinking "hey Gil." i smiled also turning pink he didn't notice anyone else. until "ehem" Ruby faked coughed we snapped out of our gaze and started what i planed:
A Few Games
Then Scary StoriesAfter we ate we played a few games. "who wants to play Truth or Dare" Suprisingly Josie Pye was here. we all groaned "we always play that when you're here. how 'bout Kiss Marry Kill" we all nodded and gathered around the fire "Diana Kiss Marry Kill. Charlie,Me,Josie." i said laughing
"Kill Josie, Kiss you, Marry Charlie" we all laughed everyone had thier turn Gilbert Chose Kiss Ruby Kill Moody And Marry Me. but why. "Ok. Anne Kiss Mary Kill. Moody,Josie,Gilbert" Diana said smirking "*fast talking* KissMoodyKillJosieMarryGilbert" realizing what i said my face started to burn. i looked up only to see Gilbert lean in and Kiss me. Diana was smirking while Gilbert held my waist with one hand and supporting us with the other. so that i wouldn't fall i put my arms around his neck this lasted longer than i'd excpect. he pulled away and said "wait til' tommorow" i blushed soo hard. Tomatoe Red to be more specific.Gilbert's P.O.V
Damn. Her lips were soo soft and sweet i wanted this to last forever but it can't i'll do better tommorow. after that we gathered around the fire for some stories.