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Felix walked to the ice cream shop since his mum wanted a muffin and he hadn't been there in forever. He was a little dressed up today since it was yearbook day at school. His blonde fluffy hair he had dyed carrot orange the night before and he wore the brightest smile in the world. "He walked into the shop with a nervous but courageous smile on his face. He had a feeling something out of the ordinary would happen today.

He ordered his mum's muffin sitting on the edge of the counter, nobody really minded though since they all had gotten so used to Felix over the past few weeks everyone treats him like their baby boy. "Is Bangchan here?" Felix asked the dude at the counter, his name is... Minho he remembered talking to him a few times. "Yeah dude Bangchan is in the back, I'll get him for you. BANGCHAN YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" Minho shouted to the back and Felix shifted on his weight nervously. What if Chan still hates him? Did he ever hate him in the first place?

"What's up mate, how you feeling bro you haven't been up in here in weeks. I missed seeing your face around," Felix smiled poking the olders dimples cutely after hearing his words. "I missed you two and I've been busy with school you know, want to hang out since I'm not busy...?" Felix fiddled with his hands looking at the older in the eyes satisfied with his confidence.

"You're cute you know?" Bangchan complimented the other as they sat down together at a booth. "We've been talking with one another for weeks now but I don't know much about you cutie, how about you help me out with that."

Felix internally died from his flirting and giggled as if he was unbothered. "Well uh... I'm Australian, my name is Lee Yongbok but if you call me that I will chop off your nuts. I'm 17 years old, I like cute things like Koalas, I'm gay, I don't like bullies and uh I love Fortnite. Oh and my only two friends are Hyunjin and Seungmin. I'm pretty boring you see, now your turn!"

"I'm Bangchan duh but some people call me Chris since my name is ChrIstopher technically. I'm 22 which makes me your hyung. I'm straight as a sphere. My best friends name are Woojin and Changbin. I work at this place after my classes since I'm in college and I find the boy across from me super adorable,"

They sat in awkward silence for a few moments after what Bangchan said. Felix felt so flustered, the most flustered he has felt in so long. Bangchan placed his hand on Felix's chin not breaking their strong gaze, slowly they both leaned in closer and closer. Their lips only a centimeter apart before-


'perfect timing.' 'Both boys slowly moved apart and made room for the boy approaching them. "Hey guys I'm not feeling so well...I'm going to go home"

Felix still felt flustered as he quickly left the booth running home, leaving his mum's muffin, the sole purpose of his trip to the shop. He noticed a small piece of paper was hanging out of his jacket pocket.

'Text me sometime- Channie (xxx) xxx-xxx-xxxx'

Felix smiled to himself clutching the number tightly, 'I truly like you but I'm scared of commitment,' Felix sighed to himself digging his head into his favourite plushie,

Hyunjin smirked at Bangchan as Felix left out and leaned just as close to him as it looked like the two were about to kiss. "Did I make your little date leave... news flash he doesn't like you," Hyunjin smirked but Bangchan only chuckled darkly not giving a shit about his words. "Lets make a bet.."

"Whoever wins Felix's fragile heart first gets to make him theirs... forever and the loser has to stay away from him... forever. Deal?"

"Deal" Hyunjin agreed shaking the olders hand.

Little did they know a special someone happened to follow Hyunjin into the diner, they happened to eavesdrop on their conversation and that certain person wasn't so happy hearing how they just objectified Felix.

Little did they know that certain person was a little more than pissed.


This is bad, I know but I have exams tomorrow so I won't be writing soooo I need to get in some writing time. Can you guys guess who that certain person is and why they are so upset? wINk wOnK maybe you guys can guess...

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