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These were all the responses from Jinyoung, Mark, Jackson, Bambam then Yugyeom.

"how come he confessed first? what the fuck is this plot twist?" Mark said. The rest still giving me their wtf face, they were literally shocked that Jaebeom confessed first. like, that never happened in my alternate mind. I never imagine THE Im Jaebeom would be confessing first, let alone saying the he loves me. we all never imagine such things because we thought we know how he really is.

"how come?" Jinyoung crossed his arm. "how come we never notice?" he asked himself.

"and how come he never told me?"

Jinyoung will always been Jaebeom's soulmate. They were born on the same day, same time and were brought home together as their parents were also bff. The thought of Jaebeom not telling Jinyoung something always had been bothering him. They made a set of rules for their friendship and rule number one is, 'never tell lies' or 'tell everything to you bestfriend' or something within the line.

"Jinyoung, let him go for now" Mark reach out his hand and hold Jinyoung's hand but Jinyoung pulls away. We let out a small gasp. Jinyoung was upset. Upset at Jaebeom's decision to not tell him his feelings. We all know how petty Jinyoung could get but I guess, to him this is important. Jinyoung rest his arms of the table and cover his face in between his arm and just sighed. "its on the contract for fuck sake" he mumbles. Jackson looked at me and like do the 'whats wrong with him' face. I chuckles and let out my phone, I texted him,

Jaebeom didn't tell him, he liked me

Jackson startled as he heard a 'ting'. He pulls out his phone out of his pocket and scroll up. He looked at me, puzzled. "Why?" he asked loudly not reading the situation. Reply me instead dumbass! We don't want Jinyoung to know we are talking about this! Out of reflects I covered his mouth with the help of Yugyeom and Bambam.

"reply me instead!" I whispered. He hurriedly tapped the keyboard.

Okok im sorry. So why? Why does he need to get mad at Jaebeom? I don't get itttt!

Jackson pouted. I rolled my eyes and reply

They make list of rules, remember? The friendship rules. No.1 is literally 'don't keep a secret from each other' so he is now offended. He is mad.

Suddenly Jinyoung jumps out of the sofa and grabbed his bag. We were startled making us almost drop our phone. He grabbed his bag and left the cafeteria. All six of us just look at his back fading away from us.

"you guys know what, he has been saying 'Jaebeom is keeping a secret from me' for the past few months now. Now that he knows what secret it is and it's a big one too, so I understand why he is so so pissed. He just felt betrayed, he is his soulmate ofcourse, I was nowhere near their friendship" Mark sighed. He put on a fake smile for us before leaving to find Jinyoung

"do you guys wanna know, what is the most complicated love triangle in the planet?" Yugyeom asked and we just shrugged. "this. This Mark x Jinyoung x Jaebeom. This was the worst kind of love triangle."

"why?" I asked. Yugyeom shrugged and looked at me. "Jinyoung and Mark dated, and Jaebeom doesn't know. You and him dated, Jinyoung doesn't know. They definitely gonna fight for this. Remember when they fight back in 2000 something I don't remember? The one where Jaebeom suddenly grabbed Jinyoung's collar? That one was their biggest fight over an ice cream Jinyoung forget to share. This one? Unimaginable."

"so, we are going to see some random collar grabbing, again?"



That night, even after school, I haven't see Jaebeom, nor Jinyoung. Or even Mark. We went home just the 4 of us, and I went home alone because usually with Mark. I scroll through my messengers to see if Jaebeom texted me, none.

As I arrive home, I went straight to my room and plopped myself on the bed. Sighing thinking about today. The confession and also the possible fight.


A message. I quickly access my phone and look at the id. Its Mark.

Hey, they fought. Like so bad.

What he meant when he said, they, obviously it is going to be Jinyoung and Jaebeom.

Are you free to talk?

Mark asked and of course I am always free so I said yes. A sudden buzz vibrates from my phone through my hands. I immediately pick up.

"yes!" I said, a lil shocked. I heard Mark sighed on the phone.

"have you talk to Jaebeom?" Mark asked.


"Jinyoung called me, crying. Its huge this time. Because Jaebeom kinda call out on us. On me and Jinyoung."


"since, Jinyoung also didn't tell him about us"

"oh, yeah you guys didn't huh. How do they talk? I mean, in person or – "

"You know Jinyoung, he grabbed Jaebeom out of his room the moment we get back from school. Knocking the heck out of Jaebeom's door since Jaebeom skipped school today."

"was it bad?"

"yea, they grabbed each other by the throat until Jackson pulls them apart. Then he started to point out to me screaming, saying stuff like 'but you didn't tell me about you and him'. Jinyoung were taken back a little since that's the truth."

"I bet this is their worse fight after the mat incident."

"yeah, it was bad. If Jaebeom called you or anything, tell me. I am a bit worried at him. Jinyoung just falls asleep."

"he's with you?"

I heard Mark smirk. "yea, I calmed him down a bit. The best I could do" he said. "so, I guess goodnight then? See you tomorrow at school."

He hung up. I put my phone away and slammed my body on my bed. I know Jaebeom won't call me tonight, I know he wont.

Tik. Tik.

What was that? I jumped up and looked around. What with this sound. It sounds like little pebbles. I look at my window and saw little pebbles being thrown onto is. I walk closer and look outside.

It's Jaebeom!

I pull up the window's cover and screamed him name. he told me to shut up and smiled at me.

"hey! What are you doing here?" I asked, whispering.

"can I come up?" he asked and I nodded.

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