Chapter 37

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After the failed capture of Pyro, David and Will headed back to base, still no closer to finding Alex. "We've been getting jack with our luck." David said. "Man...our only fucking lead and he blew himself to fucking kingdom come." Will said. Dokkabei came by and sat with them. "You look like shit." She said. "You are shit." David fired back. "What happened." Dokkabei asked, "our one lead to find Medved and Alex and he blew up." David said. "Jeez, figuratively? Or..." Dokkabei continued.

"Literally." David said.

Dokkabei looked at them and handed them her tablet. "You know that girl?" She asked. "Nope." David said. "It's Medved's girlfriend. I 'bumped' into her at the store she goes to get groceries and placed a tracker. Someone should try to see if they can squeeze some info out of her." Dokkabei said. "You're ok with this? Me squeezing info out of her? You know my methods are pretty rough." David said. "He's bad news, plus thanks to her Matheus got sent to the hospital. I think she can survive 'seven minutes in heaven' with you." Dokkabei said walking off. "So...what are your methods exactly?" Will asked. "Oh you'll see." David said getting up.

The girl was opening the door to apartment, she then closed the door and heard an evil chuckle. "So...Sonya is it?" She turned around and saw David twirling his karambit. "Who are you?" She asked with some fear in her voice. "Your worst nightmare. Even the Ripper fears me." David said getting up. "Now you're gonna get in these handcuffs or I'll put an entire mag into your skull." David said.

Will was reading his mangas when David came in holding Sonya, Medved's girlfriend. Will looked at him, "What the..."

"I bagged the hag." David said proudly. "So how are your methods of extraction?" Will asked. As if David prepared for that question his whole life, he took out a sliver briefcase, the briefcase contained a special case of oil with the Union Jack on it and a silver pair of pliers. "There was an old trick I read for torture. This." David said shaking the case. "This contains a special oil that burns the skin. This? For pulling finger nails." David grinned. Will gave some visible cringe as he thought about it. "Jesus dude. That's fucking hardcore." Will said. David then took her to the interrogation room, where she was tied up and locked there. David looked at her through the one sided panel, Caveira came in along with Bandit. "This the girl?" Bandit asked. "Yep. Bandit, you do the shocking. Caveira, you'll-" David looked back and didn't find her, "where did-?" Bandit then nudged him and pointed to the glass where Caveira was in the room with her.

Caveira then cracked her knuckles, "you put someone that I care about in the hospital, so I'm gonna knock the information out of you. So start talking before I knock out all of your teeth." Caveira growled. "Rot in hell." Sonya said. "Not before I fucking send you there." Cav snarled, she then gave a killer right hook, connecting her fist with Sonya's cheek. Blood spilling from her mouth and she spit a tooth out. David and Bandit sat down eating some snacks. "I love her work." David said smiling. "Eh, I've seen better punches." Bandit said. Caveira continued to beat the shit out of Sonya, not getting any info out of her, she then came back cracking her knuckles, cleaning the gloves of blood and wiping her face paint off. The two stood there in silence and they just blushed red. "What?" Cav said. "You look like a total babe without that paint!!" David said. Caveira then took her knife out and they looked away immediately. "Good. Nightcrawler and Bandit, you're up." Caveira said walking off. David then got up and cleansed his hands and went inside getting the brief case. He took out the pliers and Bandit did his work, hooking up the batteries to her legs. "See, my mate over there is gonna give you a shock if you don't start talking. If you say something that I really, emphasize, really! Don't like. I'll pull one of those fingernails out of your goddamn mitts." David said. "Do we have ourselves a bargain?" He asked the girl, the girl spat in his face, blood and saliva mixed hitting his cheek. "Alright, that's it. Give her a shock." David said. Bandit then shocked her and she jolted, screaming. "You get it now?" David asked. "No!!" She screamed. David then grabbed her arm and pulled out a fingernail, she screamed more and more, jerking back, blood spilling on the floor, she then shouted. "Fine!! Fine!! I'll talk! Make it stop!!!" She screamed. David and Bandit both stopped what they were doing and he crossed his arms. "Go on."

David then came out holding some papers. "In a bank...the bastards are hiding in a..." David was quickly interrupted as the White Mask filled the TV's at base. They surrounded a black male and female to be around in his 60's, being held at gun point, Medved was in a black coat and military garb cane to the camera. "Good evening ladies and gentleman! I have this lovely couple here! I am looking for a specific black ops agent! And I know very well that you're getting this message Rainbow! Send me the man they call William Cook! your son's name correct...? Mr..William and Mrs Donna Cook...?" Medved said. "Yes...please...don't hurt my wife.." Will's dad said. "Haha it's fine comrade, I will not hurt her...not yet anyway..." Medved said. "You have a timer friend. Now you better hurry, and bring your katana...I'll kill you with honor." He then summoned a thug and he took out a claymore. Medved held the impressive weapons in his hands. "If you don't hurry...Sasha will need her blood quenched. And I already have someone in mind..." he said, looking at Will's parents. The camera feed then was cut off, everyone looked at Will, he held his phone in one hand, slowly crushing it. He then walked to his room. He took the katana that he hung up and put it in his sheath. "Where do you think you're going?" David asked. Will didn't respond, moving past his colleague. David grabbed his shoulder, "you will not go through with this alone."

"Let go. You don't want to fuck with me when I'm like this." Will said. "I will go with you." David said. "We walked trough hell and back together. I will go through hell with you again. We are brother in arms remember?" David said. Will then clicked his tongue and sighed, "Yeah...let's go, but know that Medved is mine." Will said. "Wouldn't be too sure about that partner...I already got sights on him." A voice said. Will and David turned around to see their old friend, old member of their CTU.

It was Matheus, bolstering a smile and with his trusty shotgun and two .44 magnums strapped to his legs. "We ready boys? We got some commie ass to kick."

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