Chapter 52

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2 weeks passed, David hadn't received a text from Matheus on how the situation was going. Only thing he received was the text that he was going to arrest the cult, after that? Silence. He went to Dokkabei and asked for some help on triangulating Matheus's location. "Is he ok?" She asked with a bit of a worried tone. "I'm sure he's fine. Just wanted to check on something." David said. She took out a laptop and opened up a program to help track people of interests. David handed her a USB with a cowboy hat on it and she looked at it. "What's this?" She asked him. "When we were on the black ops team, we each had trackers. Matheus placed the trackers in the heel of his boots." David said as he plugged the USB into the port. There wasn't a signal. "What? That's impossible." David muttered. "There seems to be some sort of interference. I can try and clean it up but it'll take some time." Dokkabei said. "Thank you Grace." David said, his phone chimed and he saw that he got a message from Harry. "I gotta see Harry." David said, getting up and heading to his office. He opened the door, "you wanted to see me sir?" David asked. "Yes, got an offer. Someone from Nighthaven wants you to work with them. Do an operation." Harry said. "Nighthaven?" David asked. "Private Military Company. Ran by Jaimi Kalimohan Shah." Harry said. " know how I feel about them Private Military blokes? It's not very pleasant." David said as he crossed his arms. "I know...however I think that these people could help us." Harry said as he got some files out. "Help us? Or compete with us?" David said. "See, the thing about those guys, they don't play by any rules. Infact...they're like us. The Black Ops team you decided to disband." David added. "I understand your frustration. You are right, I don't want competition. I want to open my arms to them. We need to work together." Harry said, clasping his hands together. "What do they want with me?" David asked. "They want you to run a few operations with them. That's it." Harry said to David. "I feel like there's something you're not telling me." David muttered, looking at Harry. "There isn't." Harry assured him. David nodded, "when do I start?"

"You start next week." Harry said to David. "Thank you for understanding. Don't worry, they pay well." He added. "Look, just...did you get any word from Matheus?" David said to Harry. He looked up, "I got a text that he was going to arrest the cult. Why do you ask?" Harry said, looking up at David. "It's been two weeks. You think Matheus would've sent a text to say that he's ok or something along those lines." David said. "Are you worried about him?" Harry asked. "Look...I've done some research on these cult members. They've bought so much land, reports of people being taken from their homes. Something seems to be bigger here. We might've just sent Matheus into a damn trap." David said. "I'm sure he's fine, he worked with you, and you two have been through hell." Harry said. David sighed, "if anything, can you follow up on Matheus's whereabouts?" David asked. "Of course." Harry said. David nodded and walked out of the office.

David was walking when he passed Ela. "Hi, everything ok?" She asked, noticing David was looking a bit worried. "Hey..." she said as she turned around and ran next to him. "That's not like you to ignore me." She said as she looked at David's face, noticing that his eyes seemed to be focused somewhere else. She made him face her and cupped his cheeks. David looked into her eyes and broke his trance, "sorry love...been preoccupied." He muttered. She tilted her head and studied him, "heard you're going on a mission. You ready?" She asked with a smile. "I don't know...these Nighthaven blokes...PMC's rub me the wrong way." David said. "Well, how many missions you gotta do?" Ela asked. "A few operations. Small things I hope." David said as he sighed. "Well, when you're done with those, I'll be here.~" she said smiling. David smiled at her, for a minute, his worries faded to nothing. He held her in a warm embrace and didn't want to let go. She pulled away, "I'm going on a mission. I'll talk to you later ok?" Ela said as she held his hands. David nodded and mouthed 'ok' to her. She walked off and he saw her leave the hallway. He took a breath and got prepared for his mission.

One Week Later

David went with a Nighthaven team, chilling inside their helicopter. He looked at his K1A and then the team he was working with. They were quiet, all wearing black gear and balaclavs. They handed him some night vision goggles. "So this is the plan, we're gonna be hitting an oil rig. They're hoarding some weapons for terrorist groups and we received some information they could be holding long range ballistic missiles. We play our cards right and this will deal a big blow to terror groups." The leader said. "Bravo, Charlie, Echo. You take the North side of the rig. Delta, Fox, and Golf will come with me." The leader said. The door swung open and they saw the storm that was outside. The winds blew the waves below and the rain was hitting the windows hard. "I can't keep it steady for too long! You guys get down and finish it!" The helicopter pilot shouted. They grabbed their grapples dropped the first team down. They then went to the East side and went down. David followed the team, the heavy rain and thunder helped their assault. The group leader, Alpha, saw an enemy and told them to halt. He went up to the guard and jammed his knife into his neck and covered his face, he then tossed the body into the water. "Sharks will be eating good tonight." Alpha chuckled. He put the knife away and took out his SIG rifle. The entire team had them besides David who used his trusty K1A with a silencer. They slowly made their way up the stairs, taking out any enemies in their path. One enemy saw them and was about to fire before David tackled him and shoved his hidden blade in his neck. He began to gurgle as the blade pierced his jugular. David set him down gently and too it out and cleaned the blade with his glove. "Nice knife Delta." Fox said chuckling. David flicked his wrist to retract  the blade back, not saying a word. They continued to trek through and got to a door. "Setting breach charge." Golf said. They pressed the detonator and the door exploded, creating some smoke. They rushed through and killed the guards that were still reeling from the explosion. The searched through the rooms, "we found the guns!!" Fox shouted, they came into the room he was in and saw caches of guns. "Jesus, we hit the jackpot." Golf said with a smile. "We gotta call command. Charlie! What's the status on those missiles?" Alpha said into his comms. There was some gunfire and Charlie was trying to speak. "They're not here!! We were tricked! They're on a boa-" Charlie's voice was cut by some bullets hitting him. Alpha walked away, "Charlie?! Charlie you read me?!" Alpha shouted into his comms. He cursed under his breath and looked at his men. "We'll call HQ to let them know that we have the caches!" He continued. "What about the missiles?!" David shouted.  They went outside in the rain and pointed to the ship that was out a few miles. "It's on that fucking ship!! Raptor One! Take us there!!" Alpha barked. The helicopter came in and the squad jumped into the chopper. The chopper took them to the boat and was getting shot at. "Taking some fire!! Cant get close! You'll have to jump!!" The pilot shouted. "Alright team! Let's go!!" Alpha screamed at them. The group jumped from the chopper and onto the boat. The ship swayed as the heavy waters rammed into the boat. "Fuck!! Be careful! This ship is full of containers, one wrong move and you turn to a bone and blood fucking sandwich!!" Alpha shouted. Fox, Golf and David nodded and made their way through the ship, taking fire and killing the guards. "Shit!! I'm gonna get sea sick!!" Golf screamed. The four were in the middle of the ship, containers moving side to side as the sea rocked the ship like a cradle. Alpha then spoke to his comms. "Delta!! I need you to get to the helm and take control of the ship!!" Alpha screamed. David nodded, "copy that!" He said into his radio. He then went through the side of the ship, climbing containers and avoiding gunfire. "We'll cover your British ass!!" Fox screamed. David then went through a door while it was opening, he jumped on the guard and drove the blade through his neck. The guard was killed instantly and David got back up, he was slow and methodical, like a panther stalking their prey. He heard the sound of gunfire and thunder throughout the ship, his breathing was steady and he peeked every corner he went through. He hid behind one of the corners when he heard someone running. A guard ran by and David took out his sidearm and fired a silenced shot behind the soldier's head. He continued to make his way to the helm and opened the door gently. He saw that no one was there. "The hell...?" He said as he looked around. "Where the bloody hell is the Captain?" David whispered to himself. He scanned the room slowly, he saw that the emergency ax was missing.

Suddenly, he heard a scream from his right side and saw the shine of the ax with the flash of lightning outside. He tried to raise his gun but the ax struck his gun, the gun fell out of David's hand and the attacker swung at David again. He leaned back, but with the ship's erratic movement, he was losing his footing, and it was clear that the attacker wasn't very stable either. He got up and studied the attacker. He was rather brawny with some tattoos on his biceps and had a sleeveless vest. "You will die here!!" The man shouted. David's ears recognized the language, it was...Spanish? He charged at David and swung the ax in an overhead fashion, David dodged the attack and took out his sidearm. He fired a few rounds before being thrown to the side. "I can't hit a bloody thing if this ship isn't stable!!" David screamed to himself. He then tried to keep his aim steady and fire a shot but he ended up hitting the ax, making the bullet ricochet and hit the window. "Dammit..." he muttered. He then felt the ship lean and was heading towards the grunt. David readied a punch and it connected with his face. The grunt ate the attack and grabbed David and slammed him to the wall. David felt the wind get knocked out of him, he flicked his wrist and jammed the blade into the grunt's side. The soldier grunted and head-butted David. He felt his head make contact with what felt like a rock. David groaned in pain and continued to jam his knife into the guy. He screamed and slammed David into the steel walls. The soldier growled as blood seeped from his mouth. "I'm going to enjoy watching you die." The soldier growled. David then placed the gun underneath the soldier's chin and fired a bullet, causing him to let David go and collapse on the ground. He coughed and stumbled towards the wheel and tried to take control. "Fuck...this is harder than it looks." David muttered as he tried to steer the ship. "Alpha! Trying to steer this damn ship!!" David screamed. "We found the missiles! Golf is going up with you to help navigate the ship back to waters where we have jurisdiction." The group then got their prizes and turned it in to their superiors.

David was sitting down in one of the rooms that Nighthaven provided. He took his helmet off and ran his fingers through his curly hair. He sighed and coughed some blood. "Fuck..." he muttered as he shifted himself. He then heard the door knock and he got up to answer the door. He then saw a little taller than her. "You must be David Scroggins." She said, she wore a grey suit with a grey pencil skirt that went to her knees. Her heritage looked to be Indian judging by her skin tone. "And you must be?" David asked as he raised an eyebrow. "I'm Jaimini Kalimohan Shah. You may call me Kali." She said as she held her hand out. David shook her hand firmly, she smiled at him, "my associates say you've done an amazing job." Kali said, "yeah, I never got their names." David said, "you don't need to. You'll only be working with those gentleman once. You don't need to know their names." Kali reassured. David felt that it was odd, but he shrugged it off, "so who are you exactly? What's your position here?" David asked her. "Oh, I'm the head of Nighthaven." She said with a smirk.

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