Chapter 25

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David called his three compatriots to the meeting room. Summer, Matheus and Will went to the meeting room and sat down. "Alright mates, we got a mission down in Brazil. Hostage crisis." David said as he put his hands behind his back. "Brazil? Sounds like Caveira and Capitão's specialization." Will said. "Normally they would but they're on a mission right now. So Six wants us to take it." David said. "So get your gear and let's head to the heli." He added.

Matheus and Summer went back to their room to get their weapons. "Did you know that Alibi broke it off with David?" Summer said. "Did she?" Matheus asked. "Yeah, think David will mope?" Summer asked. "Nah, he's still got Ela, which if you want me to be honest. I genuinely think he loved her a bit more than Alibi." Matheus said. He then saw Summer take a 9x19VSN. "Didn't know you liked that weapon." Matheus said as he holstered his revolvers. "Yeah, got a little familiar with the Spetsnaz weapons." She said smiling. "You know, you wanted to show me those Harry Potter movies...why don't we try to watch some after the mission?" Matheus asked. Summer smiled, "Yeah! I'm down for that. I still can't believe you haven't seen a single movie! You were born the same day as the author!!" Summer said as Matheus and her walked to the Helicopter pad.

The group then got in and traveled to their location. They got out and looked around. Will then smiled, "Hey this place ain't so bad." Some gunshots rang out and they ducked for cover. "Nevermind. Fuck this place." Will said. David then popped from cover and tried to figure out where the gunfire was coming from. "Matheus! Got a visual on where the fook they're coming from?!" Matheus pokes his head out and saw a flash of fire to his left before he ducked. "North east! To your left!" Matheus shouted, David then chucked a flash bang over cover. The flash bang went off and David shouted, "go go go!" David screamed. They charged into the house and killed the guards. Will looked around and saw some plants being grown under a special purple light. "Hey David! Think we hit a drug house!" Will said. Matheus looked around and saw some footprints on the floor. "We got say...four more guys in here." Matheus said looking over. He pointed to the flight of stairs and did some hand gestures. Summer then took her little wasp out and flew it upstairs. "I got two hostages and three hostiles." Summer said. Matheus went first and aimed his shotgun, some gunfire erupted from the room and he hid. "Fuck! Need some help!" Matheus shouted. Will provided some cover fire and caused them to hide. Summer went to grab the hostages before one the White Mask thugs shouted. "Wouldn't grab them if I was you!" Will then shouted, "those are some bold words from someone in headshot range!" Summer took cover. "Why shouldn't I?" She asked. "He then showed a detonator and shook it. "Try us and find out!" The four of them aimed their weapons at the White masks and they did the same. "There's four of us and three of you! So how 'bout you just put the gun down nice and easy and we'll let you live! 'Cause our orders were to kill you and just take these nice folks home!" Matheus said in his twangy accent. "How bout we just press this button and-" the thug was shot dead by Will, a quick shot to the forehead. The thug fell down and his thumb pressed the button. The two hostages screamed and spazzed out on the ground while one stared in absolute fear. Will pushed forward and quickly killed the remaining hostiles. Summer ran to the hostages. "Guys!! They need medical attention!" She shouted. The two hostages then snarled and broke the bindings, spikes petruding from their backs and shoulders. One leapt at Summer, Matheus pushed her out of the way and took the full impact, the force was so strong that they broke through the wood wall and fell through to the street floor. "The hell is that thing?!" Will screamed. David then fired his K1A at the second creature and it dodged the gunfire, climbing the walls. The three then went back to back. They heard the scuttling and the sounds of claws scraping against concrete. "David. Why the fuck aren't you freaking the fuck out?!" Will shouted. "Let's just say that it's a dangerous creature that was caused by a virus!" Summer said. "What kinda Left 4 Dead bullshit is this?! I signed up to fight terrorists not the goddamn Walking Dead!" Will shouted. "Will! Shut the fook up! Summer! Check to see if Matheus somehow survived the goddamn fall!" Summer ran over and saw Matheus and the dead creature that tackled him. Matheus got up slowly, she smiled with relief. "He's ok!" Will and David sighed with relief and continued to scan the area for the loose cannon. Summer saw it come from the shadows and fired at it. The monster panted on the floor, bleeding out. The three walked over to it to get a better view of it, it then tried to attack until Will walked over to it and emptied the magazine into the creatures skull. "Bitch." Will said, spitting on the corpse. "So what the hell do we do?" Summer asked. David looked over at the one hostage that's alive, he covered his face and shook his head, pleading for his life. David then grabbed one of the White Mask's pistols and fired a single shot into the hostage's head. "What the fuck David?!" Summer shouted. "We don't know if he was gonna turn." David said. "The others turned almost instantly! Maybe it didn't have an effect!" Summer retaliated. "Hey calm down ok? I think I have to agree with David on this. It was better to be safe than sorry." Will said. "Even then! You blokes don't have masks! They see your face, we get compromised." David added. "So get your faces covered, scarves, glasses, masks. Just cover your faces." David said. He then tossed the gun aside to the dead thugs and Matheus climbed the flight of stairs holding his side. "Howdy y'all." He said with a smile. "What I miss?"

The group then headed back to base with the dead bodies of the infected in body bags. The group just stared at the bodies, David, Summer and Matheus read about the virus but actually seeing it. It was just the stuff of nightmares. Will just read the files on it and was just in disbelief. "If this shit was so dangerous how come it didn't go worldwide in the news?" He asked. "Rainbow is good at covering shit up." David said. "Well fuck man. If this shit was contained why the fuck are we seeing it now?" Will said. "Jesus Will can you calm down with the cursing?" Summer asked. "Bitch I just saw this spawn of Satan tackle the fuck outta Matheus, who then crashed through the goddamn wall, then another thing just crawl around like a fucking spider! I think I have the motherfucking right to curse!" Will said. David then looked at the creature, "we'll give this thing to Lion, Doc and Finka. Maybe they have a clue on what it is." David said. "Didn't you just say it was the Chimera Virus creatures?" Matheus said. "Yeah but they just...transformed. It might be the same Virus or it might be something worse." David said. David then noticed blood trickling from Matheus's side. "Mate, show me your wound..." he said cautiously. Matheus then looked down and saw the blood trickling. "What the hell?" He then took the vest off and opened his shirt, a single red object was embedded in his skin, causing him to bleed. "Well, now I know what that pain was..." Matheus said.

Matheus was rushed to Doc, the creature could wait while Doc did some tests on Matheus. Summer paced around, worried for her childhood friend. "Quit pacing Summer! Jaysus you're making me worried." David said. "How can you not be worried! Matheus has a goddamn claw or whatever the fuck it is stuck in him! He might've had some arterial damage or something!" Summer said. "I don't know Summer, Matt seemed pretty calm about the spike hitting him. Hell, he didn't even notice it." Will said. "He's right, he didn't turn. So if anything, maybe the creature didn't scratch him, maybe it was some debris that hit him while he fell." David said. As the three talked, Ying, a Chinese operator came towards them. "I'm looking for Will?" She asked. "Uh yeah that's me." Will said raising his hand. "David told me you needed some training on how to deal with the creatures. So, I'm happy to help!" She said with a smile. Will looked at her and felt his heart throb. "Damn she's a cute one." Will muttered. Ying titled her head. "Beg your pardon?" She asked. "Nah, I'm just saying I'm ready and happy to work with you." Will said smiling. She then smiled and motioned him to come with her and he followed close. "Oh fook." David said. "What?" Summer asked. "I think Cupid hit Will with an arrow." David said. "Oh? Ohhhhh! What with Ying?" Summer said. "Yeah, ever since Ying grew out her short hair and grew a bun, I think everyone has taken notice." David said. "Well, I'm gonna go check on Matheus, I still think what you did to that hostage was wrong." She said as she walked away. "We're black ops. It's what we do." David said. Summer rolled her eyes and walked off. David then stared at his pistol, thoughts ran through his mind, visions of his fellow operators getting infected from the virus. He shook his head. "If I have to put them down...I will." David said to himself.

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