Chapter 20 - Ambush

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Unlike Wolfeye, Argheros had never intervened in the Alterac Valley conflict. He knew many others who had fought there, and he had known many others who lost their lives in the Fields of Strife. He had two reasons to avoid the battle: first, he was more worried about the endless war at Arathi, where the Defilers wanted to end the League of Arathor; secondly, he didn't have any quarrel with the Frostwolf Clan. Irondawn had always respected said clan for their decision to stay away from the first invasion.

Although he was confident the orcs would listen to what they had to say, he was concerned of what would happen if they didn't got the clan's help. He wasn't willing to leave the Embassy project unfinished, but maybe they would have to change their angle. He approached Wolfeye, who was rubbing his chin and his beard as he always did when he was thinking.

"Tell me the truth: are you having any second thoughts by now?", Argheros asked the Shaman.

Before giving any answer, Dunris narrowed his eyes in a pensive look, his sight lost in the distance. Then he gave short sigh and smiled.

"I always have second thoughts. But that doesn't mean we should surrender. I don't want the Embassy to fail before it even started", the orc said.

"I feel the same", Irondawn replied, smiling back at his friend. "I think we still have plenty of options."

"Indeed... and maybe, the ones we took already weren't the best choices. I think I have to admit we rushed into coming east. And all because of my poor judgement... I was so convinced that we had to go to the Burning Steppes... I almost never have visions, but when I do, I trust them, and I trust my capacity of analyzing them. I guess there's always a first time for everything, rith?"

"Oh, c'mon, I won't let you beat up yourself. We all agreed to come here. All of us analyzed your vision, the plan, the options, not just you. If anything, we were all wrong", Argheros interrupted. He didn't want to make Dunris feel better; he was just being honest. "Yes, we didn't make the best choices, but we are still together. That's a victory already", he made a pause to look at their allies, who didn't seem to be upset or disappointed at all. "I also think we were impatient. You don't need to be a genius to understand we should've stayed at the Golden Bridge."

"It was a good place to start the Embassy, wasn't it?", Wolfeye agreed. "We could've had a quiet, peaceful beginning, help the trade grow, show the world we have a good case..."

"And Theramore ruins weren't that far away. However", the Paladin uttered, grabbing his friend by the shoulder, "we would've never found the Titanguard. We would've never known that the Loyalists are so much more than just a group of hot-headed fanatics. Nobody knows what those wicked factions are up to but us. We have a unique chance to protect our world, and it's all thanks to your bad far sight."

"I... I never thought about it that way..."

"Of course, you were busy feeling sorry for yourself", Irondawn accused. "Not everything went bad either. Maybe you won't be able to offer your Clan a safe place to live, but we can still bring them to our side. The Frostwolves have always been willing to listen before judging. Right?", but he got no answer. "Dunris?"

The Shaman had stopped all of a sudden, and he was trying to sharpen his senses. He was frowning and looking all around him.

"We have company", he told Irondawn. "Everyone, be quiet!", he commanded to their allies.

"What is it, brother?", Wildsoul whispered as he approached them.

"Look, there!", Dunris was pointing at a large gap between two cliffs.

Argheros followed Wolfeye's indications and he saw it: a well organized army, forming a perfect line, marching without any flaws. There were no banners, no flags, and it was suspiciously silent. He narrowed his sight, and he felt great confusion when he recognized what he was seeing.

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