Chapter 27 - Burning Hatred

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"This way, your Highness", So'Eent invited his Princess, leading the way.

Unlike most Eredar, the bodyguard had a low voice, and never spoke more than necessary, a feat that had been useful more than once to him. He treasured his thoughts too much to expose them to others and risk spoiling them. He believed that most failures occurred when people spoke more than what they should. Also, speaking was a waste of breath and energy, which were most needed in a fight. So'Eent didn't want to die fighting; he wanted to outlive all his friends and foes. It was a simple ambition of his.

Maybe because of his virtuous silence, Dyra had chosen him as her protector. But the Eredar was far from being a common bodyguard. He had used his position of privilege to plot, plan and analyze every situation. He had worked towards securing his status, tricking his mistress into intimacy with few but effective words. Most of her decisions were influenced by So'Eent's opinions, which was in the end a good thing for the Loyalists. The Princess, although powerful, bold and charismatic, lacked the intelligence and cunning to actually lead. Everyone followed her blindly, her sweet voice lulling them, her beauty numbing them, her power inciting them. But without So'Eent, Dyra would've never achieved so much influence.

If only she was like Kalersha, the Stormreaver chieftain... The orc woman had proved to be bright over and over again, also showing a stunning domain over fel magic. However, despite her brightness and So'Eent's outstanding intellect, the bodyguard had understood that the Legion Loyalists were doomed to fail. He had studied all scenarios, all variables, all possibilities... and he had realized that the faction would never achieve their goals. At least, if they continued walking the same ruinous path that had fed them nothing but defeat.

Word had arrived that the promising Fel Botani army that Tushna and Mahtor were creating had been destroyed because of Koradeun's recklessness and stupidity. The Loyalists were packed with mindless leaders, desperate to prove their worth, willing to show how powerful, great and witty they were. They all thought they could reach a high position of influence, high enough to be richly rewarded by Sargeras once they freed them. But none of them was ready to release the Dark Titan. Not even So'Eent was ready to the inexorable fate that awaited them: a confrontation with Illidan Stormrage himself, Sargeras' jailor. The night elf had made clear that he was the greatest Demon Hunter to ever exist, for he had finally hunted the largest prey there was to hunt: the Lord of all Demons. The bodyguard knew he, and all of his so-called allies, were bellow Stormrage.

"I'm so glad we came here", Dyra uttered, taking him out of his thoughts. "Tell me, my dear, is someone else coming?"

"Only Kalersha Bloodbath, your highness. Soratog and Irontusk were conducting some raids. They claimed we were running low on supplies, and I agreed."

"You could've told them to send their commanders! This is an important event!"

"They are running low on commanders, your highness. All of us are. I'm afraid our forces thin with every passing day. Our orc associates have trouble finding more devotees to the cause, since most of their people have grown an increasing hatred for the Legion. As for ourselves... we can't seem to reach other Demons. Our Dark Lord's forces are out there, somewhere, but we haven't been able to find them. Our resources are... scarce, at best. Raiding the Alliance villages is, perhaps, the best idea those two have come up with in the last couple of months."

Dyra performed a theatrical sigh.

"Then I guess we will have to start without them", she added then.

"My lady, may I speak a word?", So'Eent asked politely, even though he knew the answer.

"Of course, my dear. But be quick, I'm getting impatient."

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