Chapter 29 - A Leyline in the Sand

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The sands of the Uldum desert were just as harsh as the ones in Tanaris. Hot, dry and merciless, the region had claimed more than one life, and it would continue to do so for many years to come. However, one civilization had managed to endure and thrive within the fertile oasis ground towards the central Vir'naal River. The Tol'vir were sphinx-like people that had been created by the Titans themselves in order to keep the Halls of Origination safe. This Titan facility was incredibly powerful and important, capable of restoring Azeroth to a more pristine state... by wiping all known life species.

Nevertheless, whatever mechanism had lied within the Halls, it was now useless. Years ago, the imbecile explorer Brann Bronzebeard had managed to disable the reorigination device, claiming he had saved Azeroth in the process. Cobald sighed as he beheld in the horizon the massive pyramid in which the Forge of Origination resided. He narrowed his eyes, for he had thought many times about the possibility of fixing the dwarf's mistake.

He had hopes, though, for the Tol'vir had used the device thousands of years ago to defend their land from an army of mogu invaders. Ironically enough, these two races were the only known creatures to have reverted the Curse of Flesh. But, sadly, they couldn't help the Titanguard with this particular goal. On the one hand, the sphinx-like creatures had been helped by the Black Dragon Deathwing, and had no knowledge about the powers used by the Destroyer to cleanse the curse. On the other hand, the mogu had used a Titan device known as The Will of the Emperor to forge new stone bodies, manipulating their souls to put them within these newly formed vessels. It wasn't a cure, but a patch, and quite an impractical solution.

The Blue Dragon rubbed his chin, for he saw few possible solutions. The knowledge of how to revert the Curse of Flesh had died with Deathwing. Cobald was convinced that if the Black Patriarch had managed to get rid of the Curse, it was because of his bond with the Old Gods, the ones who had created it in the first place. However, there was a beam of light, a small hope, and he had made sure the Titanguard counted with both Tol'vir and mogu among its allies. They were created by Titans anyway, and they deserved a chance to fulfill their sacred duty.

To be perfectly honest, Cobald didn't really care for the Curse of Flesh, for it didn't affect his kin. But he understood it was a disease that had to be purged, just like the curses of undeath and the worgen. He himself had joined the Titanguard because he too thought Azeroth needed to be preserved and protected. And, as a Dragon, it was his responsibility to keep the world safe. His natural charisma and diplomatic talents had been quite useful to swell the faction's numbers... but he was beginning to doubt the decision of bringing the Stone Triumvirate to their ranks.

There, at the Uldum desert, the Titanguard leaders had been summoned by the Light Sisters. The remaining members of the Triumvirate had seized the opportunity to fill the open position of Stoneward, the so-called Shield of the Earth. Since Ato Stonestrider and Tanjörn Stonegrip weren't completely stupid, they had come up with the idea of inviting a Tol'vir to their ranks, thus strengthening the alliance with these people. If it weren't for this, Cobald would've eliminated the rest of the Triumvirate once and for all.

"Errantehp of the Tol'vir, you have proved to be worthy of the Stoneward's powers", the tauren, Ato, was uttering. "You have shown a deep connection with the Earth, an unbreakable bond with our world, and an unusual friendship with the Stonemother, our protector and guide."

Cobald tried not to laugh. He had never taken the Elemental Lords seriously, and Therazane was no exception.

"The Stone Triumvirate is a body that fights together; the three of us act as a whole. The Stonegrip is the hammer that smites our foes; the Stonestrider is the guide that leads us to where we must go; the Stoneward is the shield that covers us from harm. You shall be said shield. Errantehp of the Tol'vir, do you accept this responsibility? Do you accept this honor?"

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