Second Meeting

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This is also a becoming friends scenario for some of them.


"Well folks, we've come to the end of our time." Uncle Jack laughs as he waves goodbye. You waved back with a smile as the tv turned off. You were sitting in your house, finding anything to do but sleep. You knew it was past curfew, but you just couldn't sleep. You decided to listen to some music to past the time. Right as you were standing up, you heard a loud thud from another room. You glanced over to where you heard the sound to see a all to familiar downer rushing into the room.

"Oh. Hello again!" You gleefully waved at the scared man. He stared at you in fear but calmed down when he saw you weren't trying to attack him.

"H-Hello." The man stuttered, sounding a bit confused. You were about to ask what he was doing here until you heard the sound of bobbies running around outside, cursing loudly. You quickly put together what was going on and turned back to man.

"You can stay here if that helps." You smiled, staring at the baffled man. He was about to question you but you cut him off.

"You need a place to hide from the bobbies, right?" He slowly nodded.

"Well now you have one!" You clapped and skipped off into another room. The man stood their, not really knowing what to think. This has to be a trap or something. No wellie would be this nice to a downer, especially after they broke into their house. He shrugged and decided to go with it. You seemed to have good intentions and it was better then dealing with the bobbies.


Although you didn't really like Blackberry joy, you became the person to retrieve a batch each time the bobbies got low on their supply. You didn't mind it since you got to talk to your friend Sally. You strutted down the road, greeting everyone with a smile until you got to Sally's place. You knocked on her door. It took a while for her to respond, but you didn't mind. She opened the door and greeted you.

"y/n! So nice to see you again." She grinned.

"Let me guess. The lads are low on blackberry again."

"Of course. You wouldn't happen to have some, Ms. Boyle?" You questioned. She nodded.

"Just made a batch and it's all for you lads." She explains.

"Great! You're the best!" You exclaim, to which she laughs and replies with, "I know I am."


The man, which you've come to know as Ollie Starkey, seemed to take pity on you. You were just so oblivious and nice to everyone around you. It shocked him that you've made it this far. Margaret claimed that you could be useful. Ollie didn't really understand how you could be useful, but he felt bad throwing you back into the district with the other wastrels. So he allowed you to stay with him and Margaret, which you didn't question who Margaret was. Over time, Ollie did start to find that you weren't so useless as he first thought. You were pretty good at scavenging for items and food as well as solving puzzles.

"I told you they could be helpful." Margaret's voice rang in Ollie's head as he watched you return with some weapons, bobby pins, and other things. Ollie chuckled and walked over to you.

"Good job, y/n." He congratulated, placing a hand on your shoulder. You jumped slightly but muttered a thank you.


After that time when the Bobby saved you from a downer, you started to stay as close to him as possible. If you ever saw him on the street, you would stop anything you're doing and start a conversation with him. You would follow him as he was patrolling the streets and talk about anything that came to mind. At first, the Bobby was slightly annoyed by this, but you and him slowly formed a friendship overtime. Soon you even found him waiting at a certain spot for you before starting his patrol.

Joy Doctor

The Doctor continued to wonder the streets on a daily basis. Every now and then he would see you passing by. He could always tell that you were off your joy. He didn't understand why you never seemed to be on your joy, but he would make sure to remind you each time he saw you. But by the next day you were back to acting like a downer. Why would you want to neglect your joy? Did you not want to be happy? The doctor couldn't understand it, so he decided to ask you himself. Like always, you were walking down the street, trying not to be noticed by anyone, when the doctor pulled you aside. You instantly recognized him.

"You're off your joy again." He said disappointingly, shaking his head.

"Oh. I must have forgotten again. My apologies." You apologized, taking out your pill bottle before the doctor stopped you.

"This is everyday Mr/Ms y/n. I know you are refusing to take your joy." He explains, taking the pill bottle and examining it.

"Why don't you want to be happy?" He questions, sounding concerned despite the huge smirk on his face. You sighed, not wanting to talk about the real reason you stopped taking your joy.

"I wish to remember." You mutter. You wanted to remember your past, even if it wasn't the happiest.
"But why? The past is nothing but pain and sadness. It would be better if you just took your joy and forgot like everyone else." He claims, opening the bottle and taking out one of the many pills.

"Here." He handed you the pill. You glanced at the pill before smacking it out of the doctor's hand. By the time he could react, you were already running down the street, ignoring the strange looks you got from the wellies.

Uncle Jack

You were sitting on a bench, enjoying the bright lights of the town while reading a book. You were so caught up in your book that you didn't notice someone sit next to you until they spoke up.

"Hello, sir/ma'am." A slightly familiar voice greeted. You sighed and closed your book before glancing at the person. It didn't take you long to recognize that the person was none other then Uncle Jack. This surprised you a bit, but you didn't ponder on it for long.

"Hello." You simply replied before going back to your book. Jack was slightly shocked at this but continued.

"I wanted to thank you for the other day. It's hard to get around without everyone wanting to stop and talk to you." He explains awkwardly. You hummed, not looking away from your book.

"No problem." You replied. After that, Jack didn't really say anything else. Just silence except for the chattering of nearby people.

"S-So... What's your name?" He hesitantly asks, trying to start a conversation.

"y/n l/n." You claim, finally glancing away from your book yet again.

"What a wonderful name! You of course know who I am already." He retorts with a smile.

"Well your face is all over the place." You exclaim, motioning around the place. He laughed and nodded. After that, you two sat and talked about random things.

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