New Character

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artwork by boltheeye over on tumblr

Meeting them

You both meet on the train to germany. You were alone and scared before you spotted an older boy crying alone in one of the train cars. He continued to scream that there was a mistake and that he was not in fact Arthur Hastings.

"I'm not my brother!" He sobbed, hiding his face from the world. Everyone seemed to ignore him, to busy with their own issues and tears. So you went over to comfort him yourself. You asked him what was wrong, if he was fine with talking about it, to which he begins a short rant about how they took him for his younger brother Arthur, who was supposed to be the one on the train. That explained the small age difference.

"They didn't let me explain the mistake and Arthur just walked off!" He cried, stumbling with his words. You couldn't say much to the situation except, "sorry that happened to you" or "that really sucks. Those bastards". The boy appreciated it none the less, seeing that you were trying your best to help, you just didn't know how to.

Second Meeting/Becoming friends

(My knowledge on WW2 is a bit rusty at the moment so if this might not be fully accurate or anything. I also tried to keep this short and simple.)

The two of you quickly formed a bond of steel, since you were both alone in the world now. You were only two years younger then Percy, which the boy said his name was. The two of you spent time in Germany, working at these camps of sorts. Luckily, that torture didn't last as long as expected and you two made it through. The Red Army was able to push the Germans back, allowing an opening for escape, which you joyfully took, dragging Percy along with you. The two of you, now nearly adults, didn't know your places in the world. What happened after all those years? What was Britain like? Where our families alright? Only one way to find out. The two of you set a plan for Britain, which was apparently renamed.

Where you hang out

The two of you adore hanging around rivers and streams when you pass them by. They're good areas to set up camp for the night or get food if shops aren't nearby. Percy would rather lay down and admire the surrounding. As he says, "We may never see these terrains again." You are a bit different. You're always looking to push forward and stay on track, meaning you're very strict with scheduling the day.

"Get up! We need to start moving! Do you want to get back home?" You may sound a bit mean when you do this, but Percy knows you mean no harm. You're just highly home sick, have been for a good few years. So he pushes himself to move forward and get you both home.


You: You're not 100 percent sure if you even had a family to return to. You see, you lived alone with your widowed mother who outright refused to let the Germans take you. She fought with her life and ended up with a blow to the head from the end of a rifle. The last you saw of her was her lying on the floor, blood covering the floor. You were so homesick with thoughts of her. Positive thinking like 'maybe she's still alive and I can return to her someday. She would be so proud to see me again, alive and well.'

Though you carried a feeling deep down that those thoughts weren't true. If she were alive, who's to say she's even in Britain still? But that wasn't the point of this trip. You wanted to bring Percy back to his brother, the one he talked so much good about despite what he did to him. Percy would be so happy to be reunited with his family. At least he knows he has some left.

Him: He isn't fully sure if he want to return home. What if he doesn't like what he returns too? How can he face Arthur? Or his father, if he's still around. Not that he doesn't want to see his family again, but what if they forgot about him or don't care anymore? Percy always felt somewhat left out of everything. He also feared change in a way. Things would be so different then what they were before. He's not going to go home to his loving mother, a soft bed, and a welcome kiss on the forehead. But he knows how much this means to you and you're all he has left in the world, at least from what he knows. So where ever you go, he'll follow.


Percy was requested by two people so far and seemed like an interesting character to write for, since we don't know to much about him outside of what some characters tell us. Anyway, here you go! Hope you all enjoy!

Also, when other characters get added in, I may number the scenarios.

(1) would stand for the original characters I already have written about while

(2) would stand for the newer characters

This is just a thought. It depends on how many characters I add to this scenario book. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

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