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The two of you were watching tv as the sun began to set, making way for the starry night. Uncle Jack was still on, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. Arthur watched the man on screen, clearly uninterested in what he had to say. But he had nothing better to do. You sat next to him, staring at the screen with drowsy eyes. You tried your best to stay awake, but inevitably gave in. Arthur noticed your sleeping form when he felt something lean against his shoulder. He looked to the side and froze, not knowing what to do. He blushed and looked around the room, as if there would be someone there to give him advice. After a minute or so he calmed down and thought about the situation. He didn't want to move and risk waking you, so he decided to stay put. Shockingly enough, he felt himself get tired as well. He was hesitant at first, but realized you probably wouldn't care if he fell asleep there. And so he did.

Sally learned quickly that she could trust you, at least more than the other bobbies. She even let you inside her lab a few times, but never upstairs. Not that you ever questioned the rule. You respected her privacy and stayed in the lab area. If you arrived early for a batch that was still in the making, she would invite you to watch the process. You didn't understand it fully, but it was fascinating to watch. You would stare at the machine in amazement as it did it's thing. Sally found it adorable and didn't mind explaining the process, even if you would eventually forget it. And yes, she said adorable. Sally was no stranger to romantic feelings and was quick to realize her growing crush on you. Sally was worried about letting her emotions get the best of her, or the fact that her relationships never end well for her. But you seemed different in a way. It was hard to explain. But she couldn't fully admit to her feelings at the moment. Not with Gwen and all her other problems. A crush was the least of her concerns right now.

Margaret skipped in circles around the old Scottish man, singing about how he 'liked y/n'.
"Where did you even get that idea?" Ollie complained, causing the little girl to pause in her taunting.
"Are you serious? It's so obvious. You just refuse to admit it." Margaret claimed. Ollie just scoffed and walked into the main section of the train station, where you happened to be. You were reading through an old book you found in the district, glancing to the side when you heard Ollie's footsteps. You smiled and jumped to your feet, placing the book gently onto the box you used as a chair.
"You're back! How was your trip?" You asked, running over to Ollie and engulfing him in a hug. He was taken aback, but returned the hug anyways.
"It was alright considering the circumstances." He replied, pulling back from the hug with a grin. That's when he heard Margaret sing, "Ollie and y/n sitting in a tree~ K-I-S-S-I-N-G~" Ollie turned around and playfully glared at the ghost girl, who giggled and hid behind a nearby pile of rubble. You stared at the place Ollie was glaring at and nervously smiled.
"Margaret?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Yeah. She's in a playful mood." He said.
"I'm glad she's in good spirits." You replied with a chuckle before walking back to your spot.

Your girlfriend was out once more and you decided to invite Bobby over for lunch. You prepared a nice meal and set up the table in your garden for the two of you. It was a peaceful scene, away from the commotion of the streets and surrounded by the colorful sights of the flower beds. As the two of you ate, you started to boost about your garden. This was all your work, which surprised Bobby.
"Does your girlfriend help?" He asked, examine the garden's decorations. You smile faltered for a second.
"No. She actually complains about how much time I spend in the garden." You force a laugh.
"And yet she's rarely ever home." He stated, turning back to you. You sighed and rummaged through your pocket, taking out a joy pill.
"Yep." You places the pill in your mouth and quickly swallowed it. Within seconds your smile returned.
"Oh my! Sorry for my behavior. Would you like a refill?" You asked, pointing to Bobby's drink, which was almost empty. He nodded with a smile and watched as you picked up the glass and walked into the house. That's when he started to think about what you had said. You didn't seem to have a great relationship with your girlfriend from the sound of things. Bobby had only meet her once on her way out. She seemed irritated with you, but immediately change her tone to overly happy and even flirtatious when she saw him. It gave Bobby a sour taste in his mouth.
'y/n deserves better than her. Even I would be better partner for them!' He thought. That's when the idea of you two being together popped into his head. He doesn't know where it came from or why his mind was so stuck on that one thought, but it caused his face to flush a reddish tent underneath his mask. Before he could think more, You retuned with his drink.
"Are you alright? You're face appears to be red." You observed.
"Yeah. I just need a joy, that's all." He lied. You were happy to give him one of your joy pills, which he took gratefully, immediately forgetting what he was so worked up about.

Joy Doctor
You and the doctor got into a debate about Dr. Verloc and his morals. Despite your differing opinions, you both remained open minded and tried to stay respectful of each other. At the moment it was your turn to speak. You ranted on about your thoughts as the doctor waited patiently, listening to the best of his ability. Due to the joy in his system it was difficult to stay focused on your long explanation. At some point his mind drifted away from the original topic and instead went to examining you. You were surprisingly well educated in the topic at hand and made a few good points. You spoke with passion and a clear voice, which he admired. You were also strongly opinionated, which made for great conversations. Not to mention, because of you being a downer, the doctor could talk to you about way more than an average wellie. It was nice to say the least. He grew to enjoy your presence and cherish the time you spent together. The more he thought about, the closer he got to the truth. He developed a crush on a downer.
"Hey, doc!" You snapped your fingers in front of his face, breaking him from his mind. He blinked a few times and looked around in confusion.
"You zoned out again." You explained with a smile. The doctor chuckled nervously and apologized.
"I must be low on my joy. Stay here while I grab a pill."

Jack Worthing
Jack rushed off of the stage once the camera's turned off, his emotions becoming to much. This is what he got for being off his joy. No one at the studio knew what was wrong with their star and were ready to send doctors after him. That's when you stepped in, yes you were at the studio with him again, and told everyone that it was fine. You were able to talk down the crowd and went backstage to his room or check on him. You hesitantly knocked on the red door.
"W-Who is it?" A nervous voice asked from the other side.
"It's me. Jack, please let me in." You answered. It was silent for a moment before you heard a low, "Come in." So you did, softly closing the door behind you. You then turned to your friend, who had his mask off and hid his face in his hands. You grabbed a chair and sat next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay Jack. Talk to me about it." You said in a soothing voice. Jack was surprised you didn't tell him to simply take a joy and forget the event. He looked at you in confusion, which you noticed. You suppressed a laugh and explained, "Of course I knew you stopped taking your joy. You haven't bought a new batch in forever and your old bottle is still half way full after months."
"Then why haven't you-"
"Do you really think I take my joy daily? Let alone weekly?" You laughed, making sure to keep your voice low so no one outside heard. Jack didn't know what to think. Instead, he let his emotions run wild, since he knew you wouldn't turn him in if he did. Tears fell from his eyes as you pulled him into a hug, rocking him from side to side.
"I miss my daughter." He cried. You were curious about his past, but knew not to ask. He needed comfort, not questions.

You and Percy hitched a ride with some random joe that was driving towards your destination. He was heading to a town with a dock. You and Percy were hoping you could find a sailor willing to drag you two to Britain. The two of you sat in the back seat, holding your bags close to your chests. The driver flicked through the radio channels before Percy told him to stop.
"Hold on! I remember this song!" He claimed, leaning back and humming the tune. You seemed to recall it as well, since you started to mumble the lyrics. Percy noticed this and sung with you. Neither of you had good singing voices, but you didn't care. It had been years since you heard this song, it was a wonder how you still remembered the lyrics. Both you and Percy began to relax as the song continued. This continued for hours. You and Percy singing along to music on the radio or talking to the driver about the current state of your home country. Hours went into the night and Percy was the first to fall asleep, leaning on you for support. You smiled and took out a blanket from your bag, placing it over his sleeping form.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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