The Joy Doctor

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Since the last scenario was basically as becoming friends scenario for everyone except the doctor, here is a little catch up.

You rushed to our house and locked yourself inside. Luckily for you, none of the wellies or bobbies followed you. Oh god why did you do that? Now the doctor's are going to be after you! You started to panic and tried to think of a solution. Maybe they'll forget? A possibility, but you doubt it since that one doctor is quite familiar with you and where you live. You thought about leaving, but where would you go? You had no real friends to stay with and the last thing you wanted was to go to the Garden District. If you lived on the streets you would be caught in no time. You had to face this head on and hope for the best. After drinking some nice tea to calm your nerves, you decided to head to bed early. Hopefully tomorrow will be lovely and the doctor will just forget what happened.

You were pulled from your deep slumber by the sound of knocking. At first you didn't think much of it until you remembered the event from yesterday.

"Oh god! Oh no!" You said to yourself, jumping out of bed and running to the window. As you suspected, the doctor from yesterday was standing outside your door, patiently waiting for a response. He didn't appear upset, but it's hard to tell with doctors.

"Shit." You repeated under your breathe, trying to make yourself presentable and look as happy as can be before answering the door. You slowly opened the door and tried to appear innocent.

"Oh, hello there!" You said, trying to sound chirpy and not like you just woke up. The only way you could tell this was the same doctor from yesterday is because of the silver name tag he wore and the bright night bloomer carefully placed on his green hat. He gave a big smile and politely asked if he could come in. You knew you should probably just slam the door on his face, but you instead stepped aside for him to enter.

'This is going to be the death of me.' You thought, knowing there was no way to talk yourself out of this situation. The doctor nodded and walked in, taking off his hat and holding it with both hands. You gently shut the door, trying to be as silent as possible. You sighed and opened your mouth, scraping your mind for something to say.

"I really don't get why in the lord's name you would want to remember the past." The doctor spoke, beating you in starting the conversation. You glanced up to see he was still turned away from you.

"I can't really explain it." You replied, mainly because you didn't wish to talk about the reason just yet. Not to mention it wouldn't matter in the long run.

"I see." He sighed and turned to look at you.

"I'd still be left clueless." He explains. You froze, expecting him to pull out a syringe or something, but he didn't.

"I know we have different opinions on the matter, and it's against my job to do so, but I want to help you." Now this confused you.

"Excuse me, but what are you talking about?"

"You don't know it, but there have been lots of problems with the recent batches of joy. It's been causing a lot of people to become resistant to the drug. I only became a doctor to help people. I don't want to force them to take a drug that has a good chance of killing them or make them see eyes." The doctor rambles on about all the recent issues, some of which you have noticed but didn't know much about.

"Long story short, if you really don't want to take your joy, I won't force you to like others. Just please, stay safe." He puts his hat back on and tilts it a bit.

"Oh and one last thing." The doctor says while walking towards the door.

"And that would be?" You questioned, still unable to wrap your head around the whole situation.

"Please don't slap joy out of a doctor's hand." He chuckled. With that he was gone. You stood there in confusion, replaying the scene in your head. A Joy Doctor just told you that it was fine not to take your joy. What are the chances of that ever happening? Not that you weren't thankful. You broke away from your thoughts and continued on with your day, not as paranoid as before. You knew this wouldn't be the last time you'd see this doctor, but you were still questioning his sincerity. Was this a trick? Only time will tell.

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