♤Demon ♤

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Note: ^ not mine. D&P's mukbang was everything though. Ok so in this story it's not gonna be like Shadowhunters or Supernatural so don't come for me.

Sum: Scientist Phil and Demon Dan. When a demon falls in love with a human he/she/they turn back into human cause of this good human loving them.

Warnings: swearing, blood, mentions of hurting

Words: 1k


Phil's POV

I stared at my class who were off they're seats, "Ok today we are going to be experimenting on a demon, yeah it sounds like something dangerous and wild but do you really think that's a concern with me?" they all chuckled knowing my past was wild and dangerous. The door opened and in walked Jen with a large cage like for a zoo animal, but inside was a handsome, demon. He was dangerous looking, his black wings made him look intimidating, his curly fringe was cute as was his curled horns. 

"M-Mr. Lester?" one of the girls asked from behind a desk, she was shaking. "Um well this what we're dealing with I guess." I gulped walking to the demon, his eyes trailed from my students to me I had never dealt with demons just with pixies and fairy's and little creatures. I mean he was cute but still scary looking, he smiled bitter-sweet smile which made blood trickle out of his mouth a little. 

He glared at me his wings fluttering a little maybe cause they filled most the cage, all my students filed around me with clipboards taking jots about this creature. "Um can we touch him? Like his wings and stuff and maybe his skin to see if he's ice cold or burning hot." I chuckled nodding. I gave him a warning look, "You didn't let me consent to being touched?" he said with a teasing smirk. "No." I said quite harsh which made him look down, "Ok students you may begin but don't for the love of god make him mad." the boy sighed heavily, "I don't believe in God." he muttered. 

"Too bad kid." he glared and stood up cocking his head to the side, "I'll break this metal bars and snap your neck, don't fucking call me kid. You're the kid here, I happen to be twenty four hundred years old." he added sassily, I smirked and shook my head. "Go for it scientist." I backed away as all my students started studying him touching his wings a little. "Sir there seems to be a cut on his wing." the boy's eyebrows bunched, "Ok well tell me what you see in the cut what color is his blood?" Amie smiled and reached into the cage poking the wound which made the boy jump and grip the metal bars with whiter knuckles. 

"Like I said I will break these bars and snap your neck!" he growled tearing streaming down his cheeks. Just than the bell rang, I silently prayed a thanks to whoever was up there. I locked my door walking back to the boy, "I'm gonna drag your cage ok?" he nodded sitting down. I set him by my desk sitting down turning to him, he had found interest in the dirt in his cage. "C-can I bandage your wound?" he looked to me for a moment, but nodded standing again. "I'll have to let you out just for ten minutes while I bandage you. Don't try anything." he nodded quickly.

I got my black keys and unlocked the cage door letting him step out, his wings spread to they're full length it made him look impossibly cuter. "Turn please." he obeyed wincing when I put my hand close to the spot. "Have you always been a demon?" I asked sweetly getting the bandages, "No I was sent to hell for a reason I can't say." I nodded even though he couldn't see. "So you're twenty four hundred years? Well I'm twenty four years old." he sighed. "Yeah I'm kinda of a new demon I mean a lot of them have been in hell for millions of years." 

"Warning I'm gonna put peroxide on the wound." he nodded tensing, "I like your science classroom by the way it's colorful." I smiled, "Yeah I like rainbows cause I'm gay and cause they have a nice brightness to the dark room." he chuckled. "Have you met Satan?" I asked hesitantly, "No, though I've heard somethings about him." I started to bandage his wound, his black wings were like clouds. "What's your name?" I said patting his soft wing making him turn, "My names Daniel Howell, yours is Phil Lester." I looked at him confused making him chuckled, "I know a lot of peoples names Phil." 

♤♤♤two months later♤♤♤

Dan and I had gotten closer with conversations and I started to notice that his skin was turning a pale color like mine but a tiny bit darker but still pale. "Welcome back class! Ok so today we're gonna let Dan out of the cage so you guys can work up close and personal." Dan looked at me worried, "It's ok." I said unlocking his cage. "Alright class com'on." Dan hadn't stepped out of the cage but he shyed away from my class not like the first time they met him.

They filed around the cage, he gripped the bars of the cage staring at them wide eyed. "Dan," he looked at me, I mentioned my students to sit down on the floor and they did. I grabbed his hand and kinda lead him out of the cage making sure he was ok with it. "Alright class before studying him don't get too close to where he's scared and don't make him angry." Stephen was the first to get up but all the girls were smirking and most were giggling like mad. "What is it girls?" they looked to one another.

Amie piped up, "A demon and a scientist fall in love how cute would that be?" I blushed like mad and looked at Dan who was backing away slowly as Stephen tried to touch his cheek to check his skin temperature. "Stephen." the green eyed boy looked at me in question, I mentioned for him to sit down again. "Students go wait for me outside." mostly all the boys nodded walking off, Dan had slight tears in his eyes. "Girls." I snapped they all hurried outside, "Are you ok?" Dan shook his head hugging me his wings wrapping around me in the process. 

His wings hadn't gotten smaller at all but his demon like appearance had slightly, I heard hollering outside and peeked up from Dan's black wing to see one of my students running with a hand full of fire. "What the hell?" Dan flinched, "Sorry love." he chuckled "T's fine." I pulled away from hugging him kissing his cheek walking outside. 

"Adrian!" Adrian stopped running back quickly dropped the hand full of fire, "How the hell did you get fire?" he held out a lighter and paper. "You know you could have spread this," I said stomping on the dancing flames. "You could have set the building on fire, or worse you." I snapped at him gathering the burning hot ashes throwing them away. 

"Mr.Lester why are snapping at us?" one girl asked, "Cause, now come back in and don't bother the demon!" I was never mean with them but they had to learn. First they hurt Dan, then Stephen freaked him out. I really cared for this demon maybe a little too much, maybe I loved him? Holy shit I think I love a demon. I THINK I LIKE A DEMON. "Phil?" Dan whispered I snapped my head to him. He mentioned to his cage, "Go ahead." he walked in and I locked it he grabbed my wrist before I left. "Yes?" he kissed my cheek. "Thanks for bandaging me and stuff two months again, and for being so nice to me I mean I am a demon." I chuckled kissing his hand walking back to my desk smiling. "Ooooh." Amie's group said making me blush again, "Any questions for Dan? Or me." Amie's hand shot up. "Yes?"

"Are you and Dan together?" I looked to Dan who shrugged, "I wish." I muttered but it seemed Dan and Amie heard cause he blushed and she ooh'd. 

♤♤♤two years later♤♤♤

"Dan." he looked to me smiling, his whole appearance was human like there was only a small trace of demon which were his eyes. They were a light brown with specks of his old demon which was black and red, "I love you." he grinned kissing my lips softly. "I love you too." he mumbled into my lips. All of my students knew about Dan and I being a demon and scientist couple which Amie said she would make fanfiction out of. 

He cuddled further into my side kissing my neck sweetly, since he was now a human he did turn into a twenty four year old he's finally human age. He's also not immortal anymore he's a mortal which made me happy. 

"Hey Dan you never told me the reason that you got into hell." he bit his lip, "Being gay." I was honestly shocked. "How many of you were gay?" he shrugged "Not many mostly just people who did horrible things." I nodded kissing his head.

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