♤Tell me you love me ♤

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Warnings: Phil curses and fighting. 

Song based fic heck yes it's Demi 

Oh no, here we go again
Fighting over what I said

"Ok but what did I do!" I screamed at Phil, "Everything fucking thing!" I was done with his bullshit "I said it cause I love you!" I screamed back he looked at me shaking his head tears brimming his eyes. I stepped forward hesitantly, he let some tears out which is not like him. I brushed some hair out of his eyes, "Leave." he said softly I looked at him confused "Where?" he shrugged "Don't stay here." I nodded grabbing my keys I didn't hear footsteps to a room "I'll be back tomorrow." I heard soft sobs which broke me. "Alright." I heard him say "Be safe please, don't do anything stupid."

I'm sorry, yeah I'm sorry

God I wanted him to know I didn't mean it but I had too. I was sorry so I texted him that he answered saying for me to sleep so he could stop worrying. I smiled he was such a great boyfriend why did I yell jeez I'm stupid.

Bad at love, no, I'm not good at this
But I can't say I'm innocent

Not hardly, but I'm sorry 

It was five in the morning I never slept I couldn't the bed wasn't mine and Phil wasn't there. I didn't go home like I said, I didn't worry about Phil. My phone dinged I checked it and it said Dan where are you? God I hope you didn't do anything stupid I need you back so I know your safe please answer. I knew that tone Baby I'm safe don't worry I'm getting coffee I maybe won't come home for another hour pls sleep. 

And all my friends, they know and it's true
I don't know who I am without you
I got it bad, baby
Got it bad

I cried on my way to Starbucks I missed him yeah but he needed to understand what I said. I really loved him I wish he would see past my dirt and see my now. "Give me the most caffeinated thing you have please." I said to Louise. "Oh honey what's wrong?" I moved out of the way and watched her make my coffee, "Phil and I got into a fight I stayed somewhere else last night." she handed me the coffee she also handed me another one "For Phil." I smiled and thanked her leaving. 

Oh, tell me you love me
I need someone on days like this, I do
On days like this

"Pick up, pick up." I whispered "Hello?" I sighed relived "Phil it's me darling." I heard silence "Are you ok?" is the first thing he said "I'm fine are you?" this time I heard a sob "I'm broken I miss you I didn't sleep last night I missed your arms around me."  tears brimmed my eyes again. "I'll drop off your coffee and leave." I heard a broken sob come from my boyfriend "Stop please come now I need you." I hung up and ran to our apartment unlocking it looking for Phil. "Phil!" I yelled. I heard running footsteps "Dan!" I set the coffee down and caught him in a hug, he sobbed onto my shoulder "Shh I'm here calm down." he was breathing heavily I pulled away and handed him coffee "Shh just drink." he sipped and swallowed shaking. "I'm gonna go again, sleep." he shook his head setting his drink down walking to me. "Please Dan." 

Oh, can you hear my heart say
No, you ain't nobody 'til you got somebody
You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody

"Phil just calm down we need to spend a few more hours away from each other." he nodded looking down, "Will this make you ok?" he looked up I kissed his cheek. He smiled slightly "Don't be gone for long please." I hovered my hand over the handle "I won't I love you." I felt a hand on my waist. I turned to be met with a bone crushing hug "Love you too." I kissed his neck and left.

 I walked for what felt like hours, but it had been five minutes I heard the thunder and worried. Ring ring ring "Dan please come home it's about to storm." I looked at the sky and hung up still walking. I felt the rain but the pain hurt me worse, I heard the ding of texts and the rain started getting heavier. I pulled up my hood, walking nowhere I found woods going inside them. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture sending it to Phil. Dan get your ass home now you dipshit your not safe. I shrugged and stared walking home, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Not hearing a sound I walked into my room and pulled off my shirt shivering, I heard a choked sob come from Phil's room so I went to his room to see him sitting on the floor by his bed sobbing into his arms. 

And I hope I never see the day
That you move on and be happy without me
Without me
What's my hand without your heart to hold?
I don't know what I'm living for
If I'm living without you

I sat next to him wrapping my arms around him, "D-Dan?" he choked out looking at me. "Were you happy when I was gone?" I said knowing his answer. I traced shapes on his thighs "No I wouldn't ever be happy if you left again." he laid his head on mine "Did you at least sleep Phil?" he nodded "A little like five minutes." I kissed his forehead "Want me to lay down with you?" he nodded blushing when he saw my bare chest. "You've seen more of me spork." he giggled God I loved that giggle. I sat down on his bed "Come 'ere." he sat on my lap burring his head in my neck. I laid back making him do the same, I felt him relax into my figure. I hummed slightly, I heard light snores coming from Phil. I got up putting him under the covers, I slipped on a hoodie yawning. The pitter patter of rain was calming I grabbed Phil's coffee he left and threw it away, I heard his phone go off out of curiosity I picked it up seeing a text from Louise. Phil Dan misses you but stay strong Lion I smiled at the text setting it down. I heard his bed shift so I walked to his door "Dan?" I heard him say I heard covers being thrown off "Danny!" he yelled walking out of his room I grabbed him and hugged him. "Don't do that."he mumbled into my neck, I pulled him back staring at him. 

Everything I need
Is standing in front of me
I know that we will be alright, alright, yeah
Through the ups and downs
Baby, I'ma stick around
I promise we will be alright, alright

I don't know how did it first but we were kissing softly for the first time in a day and many hours. I pressed him against the wall gripping his waist, his hands made they're way to my hair pulling it slightly. I pulled back breathing heavily, "Tell me you love me." I said slightly "I love you I always will you're beautiful and super sweet I'm sorry for yelling and making you leave." he said playing with the hem of my hoodie. I lifted his chin and kissed him again, "Never leave." he said into my lips I kissed him again "Never." 

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