The Deal Part I

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I have a nice and short chapter for this one. It's mainly dialogue, so there's not much to it. This story's almost over. I still have a lot of ideas, but I probably won't make all of them into stories. Look out for one soon, though 

There was a strange weight on Don's legs when he woke up. It was foreign, something that felt familiar, but he couldn't place it. When the weight moved, he immediately stopped his thought an looked up.

"Oh my god, how the fuck did you get into my house?!" he exclaimed as Duni sat their, an innocent gleam to his eyes.

"Good morning," was all the response he got. Still shaken, Don violently tugged his legs from where Duni sat.

"Don't ever do that again, you psycho. I don't appreciate people, especially you, coming in when I'm asleep," he commanded, sitting at the edge of the bed with the redhead.

"Come now, Don. We both know you don't mean that. And besides, don't you have anything to say to me?" he grumbled before answering Duni's question. Don quietly sighed once again.

"What do you need my help with?" This was the best option. He knew it was. Helping Duni was both morally and physically wrong in every way possible, but it was better then dying. He would find a way. He would find a way for all three of them.

"What do I need your help with? Why, think about it! I know you're lacking up there, but think of something that happened most of the time in the cycle. I'm feeling generous, so I'll give you three questions," Don thought for a moment.

"What is your involvement in this cycle?" He asked.

"I'm a simple... observer, if you will. I can't stop it or start it and I don't know what's going on, but I know how you can end it. I remember everything because I always remember everything," he answers. Okay, that was good enough information. But that wasn't enough for him to have a solid understanding. What else could he ask?

"Does the common thread have to do with my friends?"

"Quiet a simple question again. Yes, it does. I don't think you consider DDawn a friend and you certainly don't like me, but yes," it had to do with his friends. What were they doing when he died? Was it something that he did to them? Or was it involving everything around him as well. But what if he hadn't walked in front of Dashlie? What if he hadn't switched the muffin or went onwards? What if he had listened to both the albino and DDawn? Then it hit him. With one or two exceptions, if he had changed his actions, someone else would have died instead of him. The only real ones he couldn't figure out were DDawn's lunch, Dashlie's cut, and Duni's attack. But what did this had to do with Duni?

"Is...Is your task for me to kill someone?"

"Ding ding ding! You're correct! I need you to kill someone for me and then I'll burn that contract of yours," Great. Just great. It was probably going to be someone close to him.

"Let me guess. It's Dashlie or Richard, right?" Duni pauses for a second before breaking out in laughter.

"Do you really think I actually want them dead? Sure, they're fucking useless sometimes, but I still need them. I knew you would save Richard when he fell down! Because, I have a much bigger target now," he said through bursts of laughter.

"Is it Uni? Jon? Ashlie, Nick, Dawn?" It had to be one of them!

"You can't even get this one right! No, no, no!" Duni leans closer to him, pulling his nightshirt so he can whisper in his ear.

"I want you to kill DDawn,"


*throw confetti in the air*

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