Chapter XIV: Of Travels And Companions

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I now rededicate this to my top commenter tehehe...thanks for all your comments, you tell me your feedbacks effectively....please continue to do so Ms. AurelieBonhoffen ^_^



“So what’s our plan?”, Gray asked Erza and the group. They were planning of breaking in Jurener’s Mansion to save Lucy.

“Leave the planning to me!”, Erza exclaimed.

“Ummm. Erza, I don’t think that’s a good idea”, Gray interrupted. “Leave it to Erza and she will come up with the weirdest idea!”, Gray thought.

“Is there something wrong with my suggestion?”, Erza glared deadly on Gray. Gray straightened and paled.

“N…no ma’am”, Gray stuttered. Wendy smiled suspiciously. Charle shook her head. Happy shrugged then turned to look on Natsu.

“There is only one thing we must do. Break in, get Lucy, and break out”, Natsu punched his flaming hands together.

“Well there goes a plan”, Erza just smiled. Natsu grinned widely.

“Yeah right, you make it sound so easy”, Gray sneered.

“What’s that icicle?”, Natsu said.

“You have a problem squinty eyes?”, Gray snarled back.

“Well if you’re so smart wet pants, why don’t we hear them out?”, Natsu growled.

“What I’m saying is, formulate a better plan rather than just facing them head on”, Gray explained.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared? I never heard of an ice cream shaking in fear. Want me to warm you up?”, Natsu teased.

“As if human torch!”, Gray snarled.

“Both of you stop it or I’ll spank you in public right now!”, Erza snapped.

“Ahaha you really are funny Gray, you’re not really gonna do it right?”, Natsu playfully nudged Gray.

“Ahaha yeah partner, Erza, we’re not really fighting, see? We’re just having a funny conversation”, Gray shoved his shoulder on Natsu’s. Both are laughing like mad men.

“Ahehe….”, Wendy said, laughing a little from the scene.

“Let’s go!”, Erza said.

At the Train

“Aahhhh”, Natsu groaned with a disgusting face.

“As usual, Natsu can’t take transportation very well”, Happy said pathetically, sympathizing his sick comrade.

“Natsu-san, maybe it really is better if I casted Troia on you”, Wendy offered the idea once again.

“No, let him be. Your powers will be our advantage when it comes to critical moments, we will need your healing assistance Wendy, you better save your energy”, Erza said.

“That’s right. Besides, who was it that told me to be man enough to control my fear?”, Gray teased.

“I never told you anything about that stripper! Who am I, Elfman?”, Natsu managed to tease him back despite his condition. “Awrghp”, Natsu pressed his lips together. Gray went silent realizing Erza’s mood change.

“How long will we travel?, Wendy asked.

“About 4 hours I think”, Erza said coolly.

“FOUR HOURS!! Awrghp”, Natsu complained.


Erza punched Natsu at the stomach which made him unconscious on her lap. “This will stop him from complaining”, Erza said.

“Nice punch”, Gray complimented.

“Ummm I really think we’re forgetting something”, Wendy said holding the tip of her chin with her forefinger.

“What is that?”, Erza asked.

“I don’t know but somehow I’ve been feeling it for a while now”, Wendy said.

“Still, I can’t believe we were done in by just a two of them”, Gray clenched his fist.

“They were a lot powerful despite their looks, they’re pretty young, more or less just three years older than Wendy I think”, Erza said with her hand under her chin.

“I didn’t even know what happened, that girl has some weird weapon which sucks away magic powers, it creeps me out specially when it changed its size”, Gray said in agreement.

“I somehow sense that she’s a little scared. Her eyes looks like she’s being forced to do it”, Wendy interjected.

“That may be so, but the one who defeated Natsu, the boy who is clearly older than the one we encountered, he seems so determined to kill us if he needs to”, Gray responded.

“Those two aren’t just normal wizards”, Erza said.

“Those two must have some reason why they look like that when they attacked, they are far more different than the other ones we fought and seemed like their purpose is different than just to kidnap Lucy”, Charle butted in.

“Charle, what do you mean by that?”, Wendy asked the Exceed.

“N..nothing”, Charle diverted her gaze from Wendy and pursed her lips.

Wendy and the others just looked at the Exceed questioningly.

“Taking that aside, we already know something about what they can do so be careful when we come face to face with them again”, Erza warned.

Gray and Wendy nodded in unison.

“Hey Charle, do you want some fish?”, Happy offered the fish in his hand to Charle.

“No thank you”, Charle turned poor Happy’s offer down.

“Is something wrong Charle? You’ve been very moody lately”, Wendy asked.

“No, it’s nothing. Happy is just getting on my nerves”, Charle bluntly said looking away as she said so.

“I’ve been rejected”, Happy kneeled on the train’s floor. Wendy sweat dropped and smiled, sympathizing Happy.

“The visions are starting to happen. I can’t tell them, they were merely flashes and I might lead them to a wrong path if I told them” , Charle thought. “I’m sorry Happy”, Charle closed her eyes.

Meanwhile at the next train cabin

“Gray-sama, how could you leave Juvia behind? Such tragedy Gray-sama! Juvia is so hurt! Well you told Juvia to stay behind but Juvia just can’t stay!”, Juvia pouted and cried cutely as she look at the group from where she stood.

“Mama, look at that lady, she’s so strange”, said a boy from a nearby passenger seat.

“Don’t look!”, the mother of the boy said as she averted the innocent boy’s gaze to the windows.

Tales of an Adventure: The Terror Of Losing Lucy Heartfilia (NaLu Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now