Chapter XVIX: Betrothed

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Here's the new chapter! I hope you enjoy this....please vote and comment...^_^ I now dedicate this to Ms. WhenWeFall...thanks and enjoy!!!



“Do I really have to wear this thing?”, Lucy pointed out to the dress Minora was holding.

“Well, Lord Arthur ordered that this should be the dress you have to wear tonight so…”, Minora looked at the dress. It was more elegant than the first one but it’s also a lot heavier than the other one.

“Why do I even have to go there?”, Lucy asked.

“Sorry Lucy, I can’t tell you”, Minora bluntly said.

“Well it might just be an invitation for a dinner right? But why dress up?”, Lucy asked again, earning just silence from Minora. Lucy sighed in defeat. ”Oh well, I won’t ask anymore, then, can you just help me?”

“Of course”, Minora nodded.

Lucy took a bath and wore the dress. It was so heavy and uncomfortable that Minora had to get another two maids to help her.

“Thanks goodness! I thought I would be buried in the dress itself!”, Lucy sighed as she look herself on the mirror. “Why did he have to pick this one? It weighs two of me”, Lucy looked frustrated.

“But you know what Milady, it looks really good on you, you look really dazzling”, one of the maids blurted out.

“Yes, dazzling indeed!”, the other shouted gleefully clapping both her hands with the first maid.

“Thanks a lot for all your help”, Lucy bowed in gratitude.

“Oh my, it’s nothing Milady, it’s an honour to even touch your hair”, said the two in unison. Come to think of it, they were the ones who did her hair too.

“I’ll be in trouble if Cancer finds out that my hair was touched not by his scissors”, Lucy thought with image of Cancer turning around gazing in her with snipping sound of scissors and an “ebi” on the background; Lucy sweat-dropped.

“We have to go Lucy, Lord Arthur will be angry if you’re not there on time”, Minora said as she guide Lucy outside the door.

The doors on the hall were a lot bigger than the one she entered in meeting Lord Arthur. This door was a lot more bizarre than the other and is made entirely from gold. Who would want a golden door anyways? There are two guards as well and opened the door for them. Upon entering, bright lights blinded Lucy’s sight at first before she adjusted her visions. Enchanting chandeliers were all over the ceiling. A veranda with such delicate flowers on the edge, the tapestries are amazing as well; the curtains hand elegantly on the windows and the moon gazes on one of the window. On the left side of the hall, food and drinks were arranged in a neat and tidy way. In short, the room was splendid, giving out a welcoming aura and very soothing to anyone who enters it. It was then when Lucy took notice of the people gathering in different places, talking on each other on their elegant clothing; both men and women were talking with each other.

“Her excellence, Milady Lucy Heartfilia”, the royal announcer shouted which made Lucy literally jumped from where she stood. Minora eyed her in confusion. Lucy noticed the dead silence and looked at the guests that filled the entire room. Everyone looked at her; the women had their hands on their mouths.

“Wha…what is this! A party? This isn’t good, why does he had to announce my name that loud, now everyone was looking at me like I did something really embarrassing! Is it because the fact that I shouldn’t be here? After all Heartfilia Kozern was bankrupt and these people must have known about my father’s death. I bet they’re thinking about that”, Lucy looked at her feet which is covered by her dress. She took a handful of her skirt, eyes closed, not wanting to take  a glance on the people in front of her.

“Welcome, Milady Lucy”, everyone stood in a straight line, women on the left, and men on the right while bowing their heads just like in Yakuza Clans in which subordinates bow down to acknowledge the return of their Masters.

“Eh?”, Lucy’s eyes widened as she witnessed the odd behaviour. “What exactly is happening here! First those two who kidnapped me were acting differently and now even the guests! I may not still be awake after all”, Lucy thought and pinched her cheek with a sudden “ow”.

“Lu…I mean Milady, we have to move”, Minora said, snapping Lucy from her trance. They walked awkwardly to the center of the hall. Lights went out and before they knew it, Lord Arthur was already standing on a veranda above them.

“Welcome everyone! As you all know, this night we are going to celebrate the engagement between me, and my lovely bride-to-be, Milady Lucy Heartfilia”, Arthur announced both his hands in an embracing stance. Everyone clapped from the sudden attack of words that came out the host’s mouth.

“What?! Engagement! What engagement are you talking about! I will never, absolutely never decided to be engaged to anyone right now, and that includes you!”, Lucy shouted, pointing to Arthur. All the guests were silent and murmurs can be heard simultaneously.

“I figured you’d say that. Perhaps our guest of honour is a little frustrated about something, sorry about that”, Arthur dropped his hands and nodded at someone’s direction. “Well everyone, let’s not spoil the party now shall we? Let’s make a toast, our tying of the knot will be held next week”, Arthur held his drink upwards. All the guests did the same. Lucy was not happy at all!

“I never ag……..”, Lucy stopped mid-way of interrupting the further announcement for her voice can’t be let out the way she wanted to. She tried screaming but nothing came out. “What’s happening now! I can’t say anything, my…my voice!”, Lucy held her neck. “Wait, did he just…..”, Lucy scanned the surroundings and there, she saw a maid holding a crystal glass with light inside. The maid was practically smiling her way and the look on her face shows enough proof that the light inside the glass was a concentrated magic that nullifies her ability to speak. “Just how many freakish servants does this guy have?”, Lucy angrily glared at Arthur who is laughing his way all the time. Lucy looked at Minora who vanished from her side from who knows when she did it. Lucy was alone now.

“To the bride and groom!”, Everyone cheered, toasting their glasses and sipping on it, giving their blessings to Arthur.

“No stop! Someone please stop him!”, Lucy shouted in her mind.

“You’ll regret this! I’ll show you how a Fairy Tail wizard pays back, a hundred times over!”, Lucy screamed at her head with ominous glare focused mainly on Arthur. Lucy ran out of the room holding tightly the heavy dress she was wearing.

Tales of an Adventure: The Terror Of Losing Lucy Heartfilia (NaLu Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now