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I stood outside black and brave wrestling academy in the same clothes I wore in p.e. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Mr Rollins, but he was still a teacher even if he wasn't mine. All he actually did was coach the wrestling team and teach self defence, but it still couldn't work. He probably had someone who was way more prettier than me anyway. Last friday with him was amazing. Usually the guys that come up to you at bars are sleazy and drunk. Mr Rollins or Colby as he introduced himself as wasn't. He watched me from the bar as I danced. I got low and threw in every slutty dance move I could. He waited until I went to the bar for a drink to approach me, and he had me from that moment. I didn't even tell Josie I was leaving, just walked out with him and into his car. We drove to what I now realise is the car park of black and brave.

That car park is now full of cars, and music blaring from the building. It was nearly six, but I hadn't moved. It seemed that he had a class, but I wasn't going to walk in. The door opened making me turn and be met with the sweaty face of Mr Rollins. His hair was up, and he was in shorts and t shirt.

"Charlotte or should I say Charli" he said with a smirk. I recognised his car parked by the door.

"Mr Rollins" I mocked his tone. He laughed and held the door open for me.

"Come on, we don't have all night, well we might do."

I walked in seeing gym equipment on one side of the room and a ring on the other. A group of people doing weights stopped and looked at me.

"Did I tell you stop?" Mr Rollins yelled from behind me. He lightly pushed me forward and in the direction of the ring. My gaze was caught on the wall that held framed belts that he must have got in WWE. He took my bag from me and placed it down with a bunch of others.

"In the ring" he demanded. I hoped he didn't think we were going to fight. Slowly I climbed the steps and awkwardly got into the ring. I blushed and put my head down when I heard various sniggers.

"Thirty more before you can leave" Mr Rollins yelled out making me flinch. "Sorry about them" he smiled at me, joining me in the ring.

"Mr Rollins-"

"You don't half to call me Mr Rollins" he cut me off.

"Then what do I call you?"

He shrugged walking around the ring, "Seth, Colby whichever."

I hadn't heard of Seth Rollins before, but I'm guessing that he was use to being called Seth and Colby.

"I mean you've already called me Colby" he smirked making me blush and look at at the mat.

"Because of you're lack of attention, I'm going to make you vomit."

My head snapped up, "what?"

He just laughed and walked closer. "We're going to start with roll ups" he said before calling two people over. Colby/Seth pulled me over to the side as the two people demonstrated a roll up. One person jumps over the other, and the other rolls under. Can't be too hard.

"Good, now go finish" he demanded and they left the ring. "Pretty easy right?" He turned to face me.

"I guess" I said unsure. All the punches that take place in here is too close to home.

"I'm gonna jump, you roll" he said before walking to the other side of the ring. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded my head although I had no idea what I was doing.

"Run at me then drop" he said before he started coming towards me. I ran panicked as I saw his body jump up into the air. I gasped and ducked, covering my fave as I laid on the mat.

"You're suppose to roll the get back up and run again-"

He stopped as he saw me shanking, covering myself.

"Charli, whats wrong? I wasn't going to hurt you" he spoke softly, kneeling next to me. His hand touched my shoulder and I flinched.

"Charli" he said, trying to get my attention. "Charli look at me."

He knew too much.

"I uh," I pushed myself away from him and tried to stand. "I'm okay" I didn't believe the words I said and neither did Seth.

"Charli" he said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't. I stood up, leaning against the ring trying to come up with an explanation as to why I had to leave.

"Let's just do the warm up yeah?" Seth said, holding his hand out to me. I took it, letting him lead me into the the middle of the ring. "We're going to do one of my normal warm ups, just follow me."

I could see Seth staring at me as I did jumping jacks. I had to get out of here. I spent most of my time away from home for a reason. Out almost every night to avoid him. I had gotten use to it, but my body was getting weaker.

I had only gotten half way though his warm up when he decided I had done enough. He held his hands up in front of him.

"Alright, hit me."

I turned and looked at him, "what?"

He nodded, "hit me."

I shook my head, "I'm not hitting you."

"Yes you are, just do it."

I closed my eyes before taking a swing at him which barely moved his hand. He laughed and grabbed my hand, moving my thumb to the outside of my fist.

"Otherwise you'll break your thumb" he said looking down at me with a smirk. Oh how beautiful that smirk is. He held his arms out in front of him.

"Hit me, as hard as you can."

I went to protest but he cut me off. "I promise you won't hurt me."

I imagined Seth as him before I took a step back and punched him in the chest. I opened my eyes to see Seth looking at me with a grin.

"Someone's got some built up anger."

He had no idea what went on in my life, no one did. There was parts of me that only Josie knew. Half my life was a lie, different names, different wigs.

"That'll do for tonight" Seth said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "We'll continue tomorrow" he added, getting out of the ring.

"Tomorrow?" I asked. Wasn't this just detention?

"See you tomorrow, same time" with that, he walked into a change room.

So much for me not getting attached.

I held my bag tight as I walked through the streets of Davenport. Most people were excited but nervous to leave for uni, I on the other hand couldn't wait. It would be my escape. I sighed as I walked towards my house, freezing as I saw his car in the driveway.

He was home.

Part of me wanted to go to Josie's but she was staying at Lochie's tonight. Opening the door I was greeted with the smell of alcohol I was waiting for.

"Charli?" His voice yelled. "Is that you, you stupid bitch?"

I can't remember when he wasn't drunk.

I stood in the doorway, waiting to run. "Come here you bitch" he yelled, throwing his beer bottle at me. I gasped as the glass cut into my face. I turned and ran out the door and down the drive. I usually went to the twenty four hour diner when he was like this, but that was on the other side of town. I ran down the streets of Davenport, slowing as I became out of breath. I walked past the club I would be at tomorrow, someone of the men staring at me.

I found myself walking near fancy houses. Their expensive cars all sat nicely in their drives. I heard footsteps on the pavement and freaked. What if he had followed me? The footsteps slowed as they came closer.


That isn't his voice.


"What the hell are you doing?"


Falling for Mr Rollins // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now