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I had barley slept. I grabbed some clothes from my house whilst dad was out. I went straight to Josie's. I couldn't tell her about Colby, I couldn't do that to him. He hurt me so much. He was young, didn't he do similar? I awoke to Josie shaking me awake, telling me we'll be late for school. I had to see him. He was still doing self defence in pe. I let him in and he saw what no one else had and he had the urge to call me immature because I took drugs? Maybe I was better off. I dressed in a short and revealing black dress that I usually wore out. I didn't care what he thought of me now, he broke me. Slipping on my boots, I grabbed my bag and followed Josie to her car.

I had english and art today, which meant I had to hand in that stupid poem, and see that stupid painting. I hated them. I didn't know this man long, but he had such an effect on me. Why? Apparently people saw someone pick me up from the party who wasn't happy. They didn't know it was Colby, but there went me being called famously single. All eyes were on me as we walked into school, talking about the weekend.

"Charli has a boyfriend"

"I don't think they're dating now"

"He looked older"

I glared at them all, walking to english. My teacher, Mrs Foster was eagerly waiting for our poems. I slammed it down on her desk, walking to my seat. She took a step back at my attitude, never seeing me like this. Everything in that poem I hate. The way I describe his eyes, the way he concentrates when playing.

"After reading through your poems, I will select a few that may be put in the year book" she said with enthusiasm. "The selected poems will be voted on my teachers."

Yeah, let Colby read it so he can see how much of an idiot I really am. We continued to talk about love. I'm over it. The bell rung and I was the first to stand up, grabbing my bag.

"Charli, please stay"

I glared at everyone who looked at me as I walked to the front.

"Is there something wrong Charli?" She asked me, her glasses sitting on her nose.

I shook my head, "please don't select my poem" I said to her, seeing it on top.

"Why's that?" She asked, leaning closer. "It's a wonderful poem-"

"It means nothing now" I cut her off. She nodded at me before I walked off, heading to my next love bullshit.

Mrs Grenth was waiting similar to Mrs Foster. God no. They cannot be saying that these might end up in the year book.

"As you know, the year is coming to an end and we are looking for art to put in the year book."


"Many classes are going with the topic of love and I have chosen which pieces will be displayed, for now you can create whatever you like" she said before ticking through attendance.

I was not having a poem and a painting in the year book all about Colby. Grabbing paper and pains I created two silhouettes, then blurred them with paints. I used mainly reds and blacks to show anger.

"What's this, Charli?" Mrs Grenth asked, leaning over my shoulder.

"After love" I mumbled.

"Is something wrong Charli?" How many people were going to ask me that? "Only you were so happy before" she trailed off, eyeing my painting.

"Well things change" I mumbled, adding more colour.

"Well I came to tell you" she started. Oh god. "You're painting is going on the year book" she said louder than she should have.

"No" I nearly yelled.

"Why not? It's a beautiful painting, secret love didn't you say?"

Secret love.

"The paintings going in Charli" she said harsher before walking off. Everyone stared at me and I glared at them.

"So is this why you didn't fuck Jake?" A voice called from the room.

"And jesse?"

Are they serious?

I was not going to sit here and have people question me about Colby. I grabbed my bag and left the room not bothering to tell her I was going.

"Oh Charli"

I turned to see the principal, Mr Brad behind me.

"Come with me" he said turning and walking to his office.

I sat in the waiting area with no idea as to why I was here. Colby? No.

"Charli James, you can go in now" the receptionist said before I walked in. I waited for him to say something as he just stared at me.

"What's going on Charli?" He asked me.

"Nothing" I shrugged.

"I hear you refused to have your poem in the year book, and then fought about your art as well."

"The poem means nothing now, neither does the art" I said simply.

"Well I disagree with you Charli" he said, picking up a copy of my poem. How did he get that? "This is a beautiful poem, they must be in love."

"Were" I corrected him as the reason behind it walked through the door. I looked down, not wanting to look at him.

"Ah Mr Rollins, I won't be a minute, please sit down."

He turned to me. "And charli this poem is going in the year book and so is your art, it may look good for university." Mr Brad said before letting me go. I felt his eyes on me, but there was no way I was looking at Colby. I deliberately pulled my dress up higher before I stood, making sure he noticed. I stayed behind the closed door, curious as to what they were saying.

"Mr Rollins, you have taken a class with Charli in it, yes?" Mr Brad asked Colby.

"Yes I have, self defence during pe" Colby added.

"How does she seem?" Mr Brad asked him. I could almost see the hesitation on his face. "Only, we've never had a problem with Charli until now" he added.

"She could be going through a tough time" Colby said. He knew I was. "At home maybe" he added. How dare he. I heard Mr Brad thank Colby and I ran so he didn't see me.

I didn't do anything in maths. I stared the bored, Mr Simons never asked me anything thankfully. There wasn't any way that I was going to pe. Maybe Josie was up for a smoke.

Wanna ditch?
- Charli

You don't wanna be put in a head lock again?
- Josie

Not really
- Chari

Meet you at your locker
- Josie

Josie and I walked straight passed the gym. I saw Colby though the windows, it seemed that he was looking around. If he was looking for me, then he shouldn't have said what he said.

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Falling for Mr Rollins // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now