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I sat on the couch whilst Colby stared me down. I didn't want Colby to find out that I worked in a strip club, not even Josie knew. They didn't know I wasn't eighteen but I don't think they cared.

"How long have you worked there?" He asked slowly, sitting in front of me.

"Nearly a year" I whispered back. Suddenly I felt like a whore.

"And you don't strip?

I shook my head, "I'm a lingerie bar maid." I wasn't sure if that wasn't any better than stripping, I still worked in my underwear.

Colby was silent. It was like he was confused at who I was as a person. I may not have turned out to be the person that he thought I was.

"Is there anything else about you I don't know?" He asked. The look on his face I couldn't read.

"My middle name" I joked. I partied to keep my sanity. My life was surrounded by alcoholism but it was also my escape.

"What is your middle name?"

I looked up at him, confused. No one had asked me that before. No one care which name I have them, they liked what they saw for five minutes.

"Dennaline" I said, meeting his gaze.
"Charli Dennaline James."

"It was my grandmothers middle name" I added. I never met her, but from the stories my mum told me about her when I was younger, she seemed like the mother I needed. My mother was always high.

"do you even think?" he asked, standing with his arms crossed.

I stared at him with wide eyes, who did he think he was. "excuse me?" I asked, standing.

"do you think Charli? Your father's and alcoholic and here you are working in your underwear underage. " he barked, standing in front of me. "Do you think about what this could mean for your future?"

I laughed, "I'll just leave, I mean-"

"Leaving, that's what your good at" he cut me off.

I stepped closer, "then what do you want me to say?" I yelled. Why did he think he could boss me around?

"Damnit Charli, can't you see I'm trying to help you?" He stepped back in frustration. "Everything I'm doing is illegal but there's something about you." He shook his head and started to walk away.


He threw his hand in the air, "I'm going to the gym."

I stood in the lounge room, stunned and lost. No one cared about me, so having someone that did confused me. I didn't know how to make it up to Colby, so much about me was going to change being here. There would be no more partying, and no more strip club. I didn't know what he wanted. Colby and I I didn't know each other that well, we met at a club and now he's a coach at my school.

I don't know how long it had being since Colby left, but it was late. I didn't know what Colby wanted me to do, but I was trying. I wasn't a straight a student, I didn't excel in every area. I heard the door open and close and I sat up on the bed. I waited for him to come into the bedroom, but I didn't know what I was going to say. Why am I still here? Why am I staying at his place again?

He walked into the bedroom, still angry. He glared at me as he saw me sitting on the bed. He made no conversation, just picked out clothes and headed for the ensuite.

"I'm applying for university" I called out. Maybe this would help?

He stopped in the doorway and looked at me. "You don't get it do you?"

I stared at him confused as he slammed the door.  I got into bed and pulled the covers up, I didn't know what Colby wanted me to do. Tomorrow, I would stay with Josie. She knew my dad was an alcoholic, and her mum was hardly home so I often stayed there.

I wanted to fall asleep before Colby got out of the shower, but my body wouldn't let me. My mind wanted to yell at him and my heart said leave it. Why do I even care about the wrestling coach? The door opened and I closed my eyes. I could feel him staring at me but I didn't look.

"I'm trying to help you Charli" he sighed. "I'm trying to save you from an abusive home, and now I'm trying to save you for what awaits when you finish high school."

What did he mean?

I opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. "What do you mean?" I asked. All I could think of was that I should leave. I shouldn't be here.

"As soon as you finish, they'll have you on that pole and doing other things." He didn't look at me, just stood and got into his side of the bed. "Do you really want to suck peoples dicks?" He asked, turning to face me.

"No" I whispered.

Colby grabbed me and held me as we laid in silence. I didn't know what we were, but it was illegal. If he plans on rescuing me, then did he plan on keeping me here long?

"Colby" I whispered, waiting to see if he was awake. He squeezed me in response. "What are we doing?" I said so quietly, with fear and needing.

"I don't know" he said, moving closer. "I don't know what we are right now, time will tell." He kissed my cheek, "get some sleep."

That was Colby's simple answer. That answer wasn't enough. I needed something that said I wasn't just an unwanted student that he hooked up with.

I woke up to Colby shaking me awake.

"Time for school" he said before pulling out clothes. I groaned and gave him a look. "No, you're going to school" he said dismissively.

I pouted as I got ready for the day. I used one of Colby's tee shirts as a dress, not bothering to pack clothes for p.e. I barley put any make up on, having no energy to blend eyeshadows. Colby stood in the door way, waiting with a raised eyebrow. I sighed as he handed my bag to me, following him to the car.

I sat in the car pouting as Colby drove. I couldn't convince him to not let me go to school.

"How about a date tonight?" He said, making me look at him.

"Sure" I replied confused.

I'll see you in p.e" he said to me as I got out of the car. I nodded, but walked away with a smile as I didn't plan on going to p.e.


Falling for Mr Rollins // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now