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i just want you in my side

a thorn

to remind me what hurts most

and i could go to my mommy with tweezers

a crying child

but i’ll never let her dig you out

you’ll fester

a conspiracy in my sick and mortal mind

i’ll write a million words

a study of you

and not a one of them will matter

my legacy devoured

by the parasite in my gullet

close the door and shut up when i’m talking to you

i’ll tell you all the secrets

the ones i screamed but you never had the patience to comprehend

my language is slow-learned

your illiteracy keeps us apart

mine are not words of grunts and bleats

but of code so much older than thought

that’s why these feelings spill out

they are not thoughts

they are demons

my heart is a pariah

and i only let it speak through this sludge

mud on a blank space

we hold fast to these rails

even after they’ve rusted and fallen to the floor

clinging like a child to her security blanket

too gun-shy of reality

it’s funny

how easily betrayed a person can be

when his only friends are letters on a page


once so deeply infatuated by the unpredictable until it trudged through my life

blatant arrogance with chaos on a leash

its adoring pet

i wonder

how blurred is that line between your acting and your you?

i crave the pain of your presence

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