Aiden & First Hunt

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(Next morning) Luna's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until something or rather someone landed on my snout. I shake my head lifting it as a tiny thud fills the den. Opening my eyes I look down to see Kiara looking at me teary eyed. "Come now, don't cry dear sister" I tell her and lick her head tenderly. She purrs and nuzzles into me.

"Your not so bad" I say and I look to the entrance. To see the sun rising. I look at the pride to see everyone still asleep. "Hey, what to explore?" I ask my sister and she smiles. I pick her up and leave the den. I take us to the water hole. I place her down on the ground. "Stay" I tell her and crouch down by the water's edge. I take a quick drink before checking on Kiara. Who is chasing a butterfly and roll my eyes.

She is so not stealthy, but then again she is only two weeks old. Just then I hear twig snap and place myself over Kiara growling. As a teenage rogue male lion appeared. "Who are you? Why are you on our father's land rogue?" I ask with a snarl.

"Chill kitty, I was just looking for a drink" he states and I glare at him. He crouches down and takes a drink form the water hole. "So I take it your father is king here, but where is here?" he asks me.

"Pride lands" I state.

"Ah" he says looking around. "It is indeed beautiful here" he states. "The names Aiden, what's yours beautiful?" he asks.

"Luna, now leave before I call my father" I tell him.

"Oh do you need your daddy to protect you?" he asks with a smirk approaching us.

"I can protect myself, but he will get rid of you for good" I state. Just then mum and dad appear, boy is he angry. Mum looks relieved that Kiara and I are unharmed. (Angry Simba: "You're in for it now Aiden" I say with a smirk.

"Aiden" mum says surprises and leaves Kiara to look into the rogue lion's forest green eyes. "You've grown and have your mother's eyes" she states with a smile. Dad and I look at her confused. (Aiden's mum:

"Simba do you remember Cera?" she asks him.

"How do you know my mum's name?" Aiden asks the same time dad nods his head.

"She was kicked out when Scar realized she'd given birth to a male cub. He feared for his heir so kicked her and the cub out. Aiden had only just opened his eyes then and been named. Aiden, where's your mother?" she asks him.

"She died" he says sadly. "We heard the pride lands were green again and Scar's reign had ended. We were on our way here when she was killed by a rogue lioness with red eyes. She told me to keep going and not look back. I round up here and meet your charming daughter" he states and I glare at him.

"Simba he was kicked out by Scar, please give a chance to prove himself" mum pleads.

"Very well, we'll return to the den. He can have Scar's old cave until he's proven himself. Luna your hunting team is waiting by the gorge" dad states. He picks Kiara up and leads Aiden back to the den with mother. I pout annoyed before running off to join my hunting party.

"Sorry I'm late guys, I had taken my sister to the water hole" I state.

"You should know better then to take her out of the den without telling anyone Luna. Your parents and the pride were worried" Nana Sarafina scolds me.

"Sorry Nana, it won't happen again" I assure her. She nods her head and tells me to lead my hunting party. I lead then to a grazing herd of wildebeest near by. "Young bull with a limp, see him?" I ask and they nod their heads. "Hope stalk the herd and direct them our way. We'll do separate the male and kill him as a team" I instruct.

"Sure thing" she says and sneaks away to circle the herd. The others and I get into position about half way to the gorge. We went for Hope's signal. She bounces forward startling the herd and they stampede towards us. Ruby and I remain in position, but Kimmy runs away scared with Trixie.

"Damn it, Ruby on me!" I shout as I charge into the herd. She follows me and I spot our target. We work together to separate him before the herd enters the gorge. We do so as Hope joins us. But he's still alert and dangerous. It's hard to keep him in position while avoiding his horns and hooves. Suddenly someone jumps onto it's back and bites it's neck hard.

It lets a pained sound trying to buck the lion off. Yeah lion, Aiden was interfering with our hunt. I'm mad beyond anything as I grab the bottom half of the wildebeest's neck and crush it. As it goes limp Aiden hops off and I let go once it stops kicking. Then turn to growl at Aiden. "What do you think you were doing?" I snap.

"It's called helping kitty" he states.

"We'd didn't ask or need help, this was our first official hunt to prove ourselves as a hunting party. You ruined it by interfering, now no one will believe we can provide for the pride. That we need a male to do it" I snap glaring at him.

"Luna, it's fine" Hope assures me.

"There'll be other hunts" Ruby adds.

"But there'll never be another first" I tell them before running back to pride rock. I go to the top of it and lay down looking over the pride lands. Soon Aiden appears with a hind leg of the wildebeest we killed. "What do you want?" I ask annoyed.

"To apologize and give you this" he states nudging the leg towards me. "Look Simba sent me to watch your hunt and when two of your party ran away scared. Sarafina set me in to help you take down the wildebeest. I didn't mean to offend you or the others in anyway. I just wanted to help, I've never been apart of a pride. It felt nice helping you kill something to provide for the pride that has taken me in. Can we please start over?" he asks and I sigh.

I look up to the sky and a breeze circles me telling me to give him a chance. "Sure, I'm Luna princess of the pride lands" I say with a smile.

"Aiden, former rogue lion now hunter of the pride lands" he states proudly. "Now eat" he says nudging the food towards me and I hear his stomach grumble.

"You to, I don't want my mother mad with me if you go to bed hungry" I state. We eat the leg together and it felt nice to have a lion's company for change. "You maybe strong and silent, but you need to work on your speed and stamina. To become a true hunter, I could help if you want" I tell him shyly.

"Sure, then I'll help you become stronger and teach you some fighting skills" he states.

"I think we're going to be good friends" I tell him. "Come along" I say as I head back down pride rock. "I'll give you the grand tour" I state and he smiles following me.

(Pride rock) Third Person POV

"Do you think it wise for them to become close?" Simba asks Nala.

"Of course, she needs a mate and I think they'd be perfect together. If given a chance like us" she states. "But that won't be for a while yet, she's stubborn like you. For now they'll be best friends like we were" she assures him.

Simba smiles and rubs his head against her's until a mewl was heard from the den. "Duty calls" Nala states and goes to feed Kiara while Simba looks up to the sky. Breeze circles him telling him to trust Aiden and in his girls judgement. He smiles at this and goes to patrol the pride lands alone. Though hopefully Aiden would soon join him and help protect the pride from threats. And never become a threat himself.


Picture above of teenage Aiden now and picture on the external link of the stampeding wildebeest herd from above.

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