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Thank god I managed to get off that situation Luckson thought to himself heading for the bathrooms to do his 'business'.

"Why them, why not anyone else but them" Luckson irritatingly asked himself staring at his own reflection why did it come to this...

There's nothing I can do, then accept them. This is just another test that was given to you but I'm starting to think this is coincidentally happening.

What is this feeling... It's like I adore them- I don't know but I hate them at the same time. Luckson stumbled because of his own thoughts. This is the first time he felt this way.

After Luckson finished his business, he headed back to the office to do some work. Well hopefully do some paperwork.

Luckson opened the door with ease and with caution to avoid the twins but that ultimately failed catching both Venus and Neptune's attention.


Why does he look so cute with the school uniform on, at this rate I won't be able to finish any type of work well actually I can do one job...

"Uhhh, I'll just patrol the hallways if you'd excuse me" Luckson laughed it off obviously avoiding us.

But Neptune being the possessive jealous brother that he is, grabbed Luckson's arm pushing him towards himself. And just like that Luckson was a blushing mess.

"U-uh s-sir.." Luckson embarrassingly squeaked while as discreetly as possible tried to focus on my work with my problem.

Brother is so lucky... Maybe that's why I'm the black sheep of the family always compared to how I'm the least relevant or worst... I don't hate him for that he's much talented than I am...

I went behind them, making his whole body shiver. I started nibbling on his neck. Leaving red spots on his soft delicate neck.

I wish we could do this every day, At last, we can't. My brother and I have some duties for the school and a plan for the world.

"Okay that's enough dear brother of mine, I'm so sweets but we'll talk about this later" smiling kissing the brunette on the cheek before getting back to work.

Reluctantly, Neptune lets go of Luckson, Neptune looks pissed but I know if that continued Luckson would be on a desk, an entire mess.

Luckson left which was my cue grabbing my phone and answering the call, "Yes, hello?" I grumbled...

"Boss, they're already taken cared of" The person on the line explained forming a huge grin over my face.

"Perfect, also make sure to kidnap them and bring them to the house. After that, you're off the hook for today" I chuckled I knew the man on the other line was weirded out but I didn't mind at all.

"Yes boss, thank you" The person on the line thanked me. I dropped the call, glaring at Neptune.

"So when will we tell him?" I questioned with my deep monotone voice, my brother stopped what he was doing for a second moment before quickly focusing on what he was doing.

"Soon but not now, work comes first..." Neptune replied.

"I'm gonna check on Luckson be right back" I exclaimed, Neptune just nodded as I left the office, where is my candy...

After a couple of hours roaming around the school trying to look for Luckson, I see him with a boy gripping his hands?!

WHAT?! Who is that little twerp? Why is he holding my baby's delicate hands... I'll deal with him later or maybe now, Your ours puppy...

I chuckled lightly, stalking Luckson from afar. He's so cute but ugh! That boy... You know what assassination is easy to do, I took my phone in my pockets as I call someone.

"Yes, boss?!" The person on the line questioned with an attitude maybe he was busy doing something, whatever.

"I want you to follow Luckson, and distract him while I do something" I explained with more detail in a demanding tone.

"Yes boss, I have him tracked so don't worry. I'm on my way boss" The person on the line announced. Hiding my phone into my pockets, as I began to chuckle like a mad man...

You're not gonna escape my grasp, if people were staring I don't care, You're not getting away kitty~ You're ours...

Kitty is gonna receive a punishment...

I laugh hysterically. I don't care if people think I'm crazy.  I'm crazy for sure but I'm crazy in love with my cute little Luckson.


<Jealousy Assassination>

Old Version: 507
New Version: 760

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