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"Baby can you get these to the conference room" Neptune purred burying his face onto my neck leaving a trail of hickeys.

The past week they have been doing this and I like it but they do it a lot!

I snatch the files off the table and headed towards the conference room.

I couldn't open the god damn door because I'm carrying these files with both of my hands.

"Need a hand?" I look towards the direction on who said that, and I haven't seen him here before...

The man walks in front of me and opens the door signaling his arms to let me go inside.

I comply and placed the files beside the farthest chair, Why is this man here?? Is all I could think of.

"Uhm. Excuse me, may I ask? What time will the meeting start?" The man croaked out loud which got my attention.

"Oh in about..... 2 minutes, I'll go inform my bosses that one of the businessmen are here" I answered back heading back to my boss's office.

Opening the door with breeze, I couldn't believe it the brothers we're silent and doing there work.

"Sirs the meeting is about to start, I'd suggest to you, sir, to start heading to the conference room" I informed them, they both stood up and walked towards me.

Neptune lifts my chin up to give me a kiss, while Venus leaves another trail of hickeys.

"We'll be back baby, your shift ends in 6 hours" Venus proclaimed to my response I just nod my head.

The door shuts and I don't know what to do, let me explore the place in case anybody needs help.

It's surprisingly satisfying and intriguing to explore the building, we have 2 buildings, and each building is divided into two that represent a department.

Each building and department has its own leader, but they will report to the twins with the issues from each department and find a way to avoid the issues.

"Gomez!" I loudly whispered which caught her attention.

"Oh hey Luckson" Hugging me tightly, I could myself getting harder to breathe.

"Oh sorry sorry got to carried away" Giggling lightly which made me laugh a little.

"Why are you here in the hallway?" I asked Gomez directly staring into her eyes.

"Well... I was just about to send this equipment to the conference room" She pointed at the cart with a projector, cables and that's about it.

"Well, I don't have much stuff to do so let me help you" I let out pushing the cart it only took about 10 minutes? Maybe more.

To make it to the conference room, I grab ahold of the doorknob and open it.

"You go in first since you were assigned with this" I croaked pushing Gomez inside the conference room and closing the door.

Hopefully, nothing happened to her, after minutes of waiting for Gomez to come out the door finally opens to reveal Gomez.

"I'm gonna grab some food wanna join?" Gomez babbled tightly grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the elevator.

This elevator better not be broken, I mean that's possible that happened before soo hopefully it doesn't happen this time.

"How's working as a Personal Assistant?" Gomez questioned me waiting for an answer while doing a cute baby face.

"Well it's alright I guess other than them not being able to handle themselves with me alone in the office, pretty good." Chuckling lightly to what I said.

The walk to the sushi place was actually not that far to what I expected. But the place looked flawless.

"I'll have what you order" I replied Gomez just nodded and then told the waiter I think it was the 20 pcs. sushi with ahi tuna and some wasabi.

Just hearing those words made my mouth water and my tummy started to rumble.

"Well someone's hungry" We both laughed which made the people eating their stare at us but we didn't care.

We both took a seat near a window and continued to laugh hysterically while waiting for our sushi.

After waiting a couple of minutes a waiter is holding a plate of sushi and soy sauce and wasabi on the side.

"Ooo that looks good" I let out.

"Oh, can we have 2 cups of right and a fork" Gomez commanded the waiter. The waiter just followed and headed to the kitchen.

"Here are your cups of rice and a fork" The waiter exclaimed and Gomez handed me the fork.

"I know you don't know how to use chopsticks" Gomez laughed out loud which made me embarrassed.

"Let's just eat I'm hungry" I whined which made Gomez chuckle we started digging into the food and it was good!

-21- <Sushi>

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