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What the?! Where did this rock come from I look around, thinking that there might be people hiding.

To my response, I dash towards the door and close it, trying to breathe calmly.

For some reason, I'm still breathing heavily which made me wonder why I was breathing so heavily even though I'm already inside my house.

I head to the kitchen and it was as it was before, me being scared on who threw that rock before and then deciding not to sleep.

It was a struggle. So to help myself not fall asleep, I did the dishes which was not a lot, we'll yeah since I'm the only person who lives here.

Maybe I should get a roommate. Suddenly, I could hear a knock somewhere, from the living room.

I head towards the living room to see no one, maybe it was just the wind or maybe it was just me imagining it.

Yawning lightly, which meant I was getting sleepier and sleepier with every yawn I do.

Suddenly my vision became blurry and I pass out on the couch most likely from being paranoid.


Regaining my vision, I stand up scared and surprised at where I was. I was on my bed weird... I remembered passing out on the couch.

Who brought me to my room, we'll no point on thinking about that. I need to go to work.

I check my phone, gah! I'm late by 10 minutes, I started to bolt it. Hopefully, they will understand.

I silently head inside of their office, letting out a deep relief there not here yet, I silently head to my table.

Suddenly the doors open which made me sit on my chair, and as expected it was the twins.

"Your late" Venus raised a brow, waiting for me to give them a reason.

"I woke up late again, I'm sorry..." Lowering my head so to make them feel understanding hopefully it worked.

"Hopefully it won't happen again, or you will get a punishment," They both aforementioned.

I'm too scared to ask them what's the punishment but I think I have an idea of what the punishment will be.

Heading towards my table and doing my necessary stuff. I could feel both of my bosses are staring at me. With lust

Which got me used to the attention this happens almost every day so it's normal for me.

"Our schedules?" Realizing I forgot to tell them there schedule.

"My bad sirs, you both have a meeting in 1 hour in the conference room with the board of directors sirs. Then after the meeting, you will have a photoshoot with Falco. Industry," I stated fluently praying that they won't ask me to repeat what I said.

"And finally sirs at 6 a party that will be held at the town hall that will introduce the top companies in the entire world. And that's it sirs" Happily aforementioning.

"Thank you luckson, you may go at 4 PM but wear something formal at 6 PM you will be coming with us to the party." Looking at them confused well I mean I am their personal assistant so it would make sense.

"Consider it as a date if you call it." Blushing madly which made them smirk and chuckle.

"We will be back later," Neptune said.

"Sure sirs" Replying quickly to them. And now I'm alone in this office for hours. Time to do some work.


My brother is listening to the proposals for our rising company, while I, on the other hand, have my phone watching Luckson.

I have my security install a camera in me and my brother's office to which I can only use.

My brother looks at me confused, I give my brother my phone so he can see what I was doing.

"You installed a camera in our office?" My brother whispered.

"Yeah but only I can use it" Proudly saying.

"Now you're just being a stalker" My brother whispered.

"A hot and sexy staller" My brother chuckled lightly.

He handed me my phone again and I continue to watch our cute baby, he looks cute when he's stressed.

"And that's the end of my presentation," The person in front said.

"I like it and nowadays a lot of people use the internet and a very different style of advertisement," One of the directors explained.

"Very and it makes our brand reach out to others not just in our televisions but all around and then maybe we can sell our products outside our country," Another director asserted.

"Well, then shall we put it in a vote? Who says yes" Everyone in the room raised their arm.

"Well then the meeting is now over," I announced in a monotone voice.

Everyone stood up and started to leave. The meeting went well Me and my brother head out to Falco. Industry which was not far away maybe just a 30-minute drive and you'll get there.

"Welcome Sir Venus & Sir Neptune, are you both ready for the photoshoot?" The receptionist asks generously.

"Yes, we are ready." My brother aforementioned.

"Very well then, follow me," The receptionist says standing up and heading towards the elevator.

The building was beautiful and neatly clean. Which made me happy I open the door to see one of our friends Cascadian, a fellow high school friend of ours and was the previous presidents of the math and science club.

"Hey cas" I greeted shaking his hand, my brother did the same thing.

"How's life you two?" Cascadian asks

"Well you know busy with our companies and pursuing our lover and you know the rest" We talked for a while.

"Well, let's get started with the photoshoot shall we?" Cascadian said.

-13- <Schedule>

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