【Character Info】《WBFK》 #1

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Seme/Uke Quiz

(no pics, just words tho)

Years ago, I remember it being popular to take the Seme/Uke quiz. Turns out the site is still up and running and they've created a new version. For those who don't know, Seme and Uke are tropes in Japanese BL that dictate who tops and bottoms. They're usually based on irrelevant, trivial things like frame size, innocence, and aggressiveness but what I like about this quiz is that it kind of shits on that. Kind of. The few mentions of submission in the questions deal with BDSM kinks (though it does assume subs bottom). And there are no questions like, "Do you get mistaken for a girl/have enormous hands?" and shit so... Mainly, it's a quiz that tells you what kind of partner you are, tropes aside.

Anyway, not only does the quiz tell you what type of partner are, it also tells you your compatibility with other types. So, because I was bored and feeling nostalgic, I headed over and had my characters take the quiz! Let's see what their results are!

I've copied the questions here and the answers they would've selected. But there's no extra quotes because I'm lazy and in a hurry. Also, the order of their answers switches (sometimes Liam first, sometimes Alex), because it was faster to copy and paste everything from the quiz.

Alex and Liam:

1. Mmm... this first question is so gooood.... what does it taste like?

Liam: *blushing - can't answer*
Alex: wine

2. If you described yourself in one word, what would it be?

Liam has no clue so we're going to pick mysterious for the sake of fun.

Alex: intelligent

3. Your charm point:

Liam: your loyalty

Alex: your awesome style

4. Doing a little shopping, you notice a sexy studded collar and leash set... you immediately:

Liam: don't usually go for that kind of shit, but could possibly be persuaded to buy it for your partner if they really wanted it
Alex: shiver a little in pleasure, thinking of how submissive you'll feel wearing this down at your partner's feet

5. You're finding yourself tired and thirsty, you decide to go for:

Alex: margarita, baby!

Liam: root beer

6. Ah, but after that drink you really have to go... The bathroom is crowded, so you decide to:

Liam: stand outside the door and wait for everyone to leave
Alex: ewwww

7. You like to sing! And usually it's:

Alex: pop

Liam: not good

8. Your socks right now:

Alex: striped

Liam: plaid

9. You've always thought it would be amazingly awesome to be:

Alex: a prince/princess
Liam: sucked into a computer world where you got to complete an epic quest! *thumbs up*

10. It's good to use your body, yes it is... and you like to:

Alex: dance

Liam: lay around

11. Your perfect partner must be:

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