Pierce the Veil

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Mike walked down the hallway, yawning as he went. He stopped and surveyed his living room and smiled, even though Jake and Stella were still cuddled up on the now deflated air mattress. He was just glad everyone was safe after the chaos from the night before. Then he noticed one was missing.

He strolled into the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on, letting it groan to life as it filled the house with it's lovely rich scent. He turned and looked out the patio door and saw a very familiar head of brown hair watching the sun rise outside. Mike poured two mugs of coffee and headed out to join him. "I was wondering where you went."

Shawn turned and smiled as Mike put a mug down on the table beside him. "Already got a drink but thanks," He picked up his bottle of wine and took a swig before taking another drag off his cigarette.

"No good morning starts with wine and a cigarette, kid," Mike smirked, sitting beside him and taking a cigarette out of the pack on the table. "Smoking with coffee, however,"

"Hair of the dog, Mike. Thought you quit again?"

"Very few a far between. When did you start again?"

"Last night. Can't smoke back home with grandma's allergies. I've missed it."

"It'll fuckin kill ya, please be careful." Mike took a long drag and put his head back. "Where'd you guys go last night?"

"MacArthur Freeway underpass. Had a long therapy session and got a lot of anger out."

"Good. The three of us had one too. Your Dad knocked Billie out."

"Good," Shawn almost snarled before sipping his coffee and taking another drag. "Wanna know what's the biggest bummer of it all? When Mom was alive, he was a fantastic step dad. Like, he was everything I could have wanted. Even for four years after, he was there with exactly what I needed when I needed it. Then shit the fan and ever since I can hardly stand the fucking sight of him."

Mike shifted, Shawn's anger palpable and understandable. "None of us did you any favors."

Shawn scoffed. "Sometimes I wonder if Mom had married you instead if things would have been normal."

Mike sighed and smirked. "I loved your Mom like crazy but that wasn't meant to work." He sipped his coffee, feeling more awake. "You gonna head back early or try and stick it out a few more days?"

"I think I'll at least make it to tomorrow. Joey wanted to go get matching tattoos today with me and Ramona. After last night we've earned it."

Mike finished his cigarette and smiled. "Your Mom was always worried you three wouldn't get along. I'm glad you and Joey clicked so well."

"He really helped me through last night." A sly grin crept across his face. "So Jake and Stella, huh?"

"Oh shut up,"

"I know you're the one who deflated their mattress," Shawn beamed. "Was it a scare tactic?"

"Don't question my motives," Mike laughed softly. "Alright, finish up and come help me with breakfast." He stood up and stretched and ruffled Shawn's hair before getting his coffee and heading back inside.

Shawn laughed and sat for another minute in the silent morning atmosphere, embracing the early May chill that still hung in the air as the sun rose slowly. He sighed happily as he finished his cigarette and took another sip of coffee before heading inside to help Mike cook for everyone.


Shawn laid back and closed his eyes, the loud buzz of the tattoo gun filling his ears, it's needle stabbing into his skin over and over again, but it was a good feeling. His older sister squeezed his hand and he smiled. This was nice, a hell of a lot better than the night before.

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