Date Night In

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Art smiled, sipping his coffee as he watched Shawn, who was sitting across from him, lip syncing to whatever song he was listening to. He was absolutely precious and always made Art smile. Dork.

Shawn opened his eyes and smiled, finally noticing Art had been snickering at him. "Don't judge me," He muttered as Worth It by The Weekend died down in his earbuds.

"I'm not saying shit, babe," Art smiled, taking another sip of coffee.

Shawn's eyes lit up as Still Into You by Paramore started playing in his ears. "Ooh! Love this one!"

"Aaand I've lost you," Art mumbled as he watched Shawn dance around in his seat. He just rolled his eyes and looked around the coffee house they were sitting in. It was surprisingly quiet for a Wednesday morning. It was weird having a day off from both jobs in the middle of the week but he'd gladly take it. He glanced at the table beside them and snagged the paper that had been left behind. He read about the hell unfolding around them as Shawn was locked in his own little world. Stay oblivious, kid, for your own sake. As he read about some long fought battle going on overseas the US was possibly getting drug into, the long scar on his left leg started to burn and itch. No one should be ripped apart or killed for a cause they didn't believe in. "Fuck these assholes," He mumbled. "Not their damn problem until it affects them."

"What?" Shawn asked as he wrapped his headphones up and put them in his pocket. "What's up, babe?"

"Don't worry about it, just talking to myself," Art sighed as he folded the paper back up and tossed it back on the table beside them. "Finish your bagel and let's roll, okay?" He shot down the rest of his coffee and got up to go to the restroom.

Shawn sighed happily as he walked away, watching him as he vanished around the corner. "God I hit the damn jackpot with you," He whispered to himself before finishing his bagel and cleaning their trash up.

"Shall we, dear?" Art took Shawn's hand as he returned and led him past the front counter towards the door.

Shawn locked eyes with a girl with bright pink hair in line and saw her face light up suddenly. He didn't recognize her at all but his heart skipped a beat when she suddenly gasped. "Hey, I know you!"

Shawn stopped and felt Art's grip tighten. "What?"

"No you don't, sorry," Art cut in, pulling Shawn along. He led him out the door before he let go of his hand and placed his on his shoulder. "Keep moving."

"Who was that?" Shawn asked as they walked to the mustang parked down the street.

"Fan." Art replied flatly, sliding his sunglasses down. "She was reaching for her phone and had a Green Day tote bag. She recognized you. Just keep walking."

"Oh fucking hell," Shawn sighed as he unlocked the doors and they got in.

"Start driving. Don't give her time to catch up."

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here."


"When you googled me, how much came up?" Shawn asked cautiously as the pair strolled through Food Lion.

"Not a whole lot. Information about your crazy ass family obviously and the court case. Other than that just a few press photos from shows you've been to and things your Dad posted about you on Instagram. It said you lived here and went to Grimsley but other than that not a whole lot." Art stopped and grabbed several bags of shredded cheese and tossed them in his basket. "Why don't we have a date night in to take your mind off it? I'll make us nachos and we can watch any movie you want."

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