Chapter 6

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A/N: y'all I'm so excited for kiss & make up!!!

New Yorkers go crazy when the Knick's play at home. Words can't describe the frenzy of enthusiastic fans waving pennants and banners as they waited to get into Madison Square Garden. Their excitement was infectious and soon Jennie found herself chiming in with the chant.

"We love the Knicks!" It only took a few more times for Jisoo to follow along with her. Each time she said Knicks, she plucked at the waistband of her knickerbockers styled pants.

"I can't believe you're wearing your great-grandfather's clothes," Jennie snickered.

"These pants are my juju. When it comes to the Knicks, I'm very superstitious." Jisoo shot back defensively.

"And I see that superstition goes all the way back to your ancestors." Jennie teased.

"You're just jealous that you don't have a pair."

"Yeah, right. Let's just hope there aren't any fashion police in attendance tonight."

"You're in a good mood today, my friend. I'm glad you decided to come." Jisoo stopped a vendor and bought beer for them. "Hey, weren't you planning to spend the weekend with dull boy?"

Jennie cleared the turnstile and headed toward the seating area. "Yeah, I changed my mind."

"Why? What did he have planned?" Jisoo pressed curiously trying to keep up with Jennie's determined stride.

"Ballet." Jennie answered hesitantly, bracing herself for the teasing to come.

"Ballet?" Jisoo released a throaty laugh. "Oh my god, he is such a nerd."

"Jisoo, you promised." Jennie cautioned as they moved to their seats.

"Right, no trashing Joe..." Jisoo smirked hiding her lips behind the cup as she sipped her beer. "Tonight"

Jennie shook her head at her incorrigible friend. "Why do you hate him so much?"

"I don't hate him." Jisoo's head snapped indignantly "I just don't think he's the right person for you."

"Based on what?"

"Based on the fact that you two don't match."

Jennie looked at her friend questioningly.

"Let's see if I can make myself clear." Jisoo scratched her head searching for the right words. "I have this feeling that Joe is looking for some sort of a trophy wife. Someone he can show off at company parties, a woman that stays home and takes care of his children." She looked at Jennie. "Beautiful children I might add." Catching the glint of a twinkle coming to Jennie's eyes, she continued on. "Face it Jennie, he's the kind of man who goes to a Ballet presentation on a Knicks game night."

"He's sophisticated," Jennie rebuked.

"Boring!" Jisoo rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "So...if that's the life style you want, why are you here with me instead of there with him?"

Jennie opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Because you wanted to have fun, that's why. Joe is not gonna make you happy. You don't have any friends in common and he doesn't like the same things you do. Come on Jennie, open your eyes and find someone that stirs your emotions." Jisoo put her arm around Jennie's shoulders and spoke with a teasing grin. "You need to find someone who wouldn't miss a Knicks' game without a very good reason."

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