Chapter 9

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Lisa turned off the ignition and gazed up to the second floor of the police station where the homicide division was housed. The sudden take off of a horde of butterflies in her stomach made her grip the steering wheel with both hands.

She closed her eyes and rolled her shoulder in an effort to relax. Instead, it did just the opposite and the muscles in her shoulder cramped. The influx of pain caught her off guard and Lisa wondered whether it was still from the shooting or from the anxiety of getting back to her old life. She took a deep breath letting it out slowly while she eyed the building with trepidation.

Lisa looked at herself in the rearview mirror and saw something in her eyes that she had never seen before, hesitance. Slowly, she pulled the door open and got out of the car feeling slightly dizzy as she stood up. She walked a few paces toward the police station wondering why her heart was pounding so hard.

"I was shot."

A sudden feeling of vulnerability bruised her haughty ego.

You saved a life. Her inner voice quickly turned it around.

"Bullshit!! They saw me down. I'm no longer their indestructible super-cop."

Everybody has their flaws and you're not a Goddess.


Lisa made her way across the parking lot and through the front door.

"I'm a mere mortal who could crumple and fall like everybody else."

The realization that she was afraid to fall short of her colleagues' expectations made her feel unsettled, confused, and even a little lightheaded. Lisa reached for the elevator button and realized she was shaking. Dumbfounded, Lisa stared at her trembling hand.

"Christ, now what?"

Suddenly she felt dizzy. Lisa closed her eyes very aware of her breathing. She felt a tightness on her chest as her heart raced and pounded like it was going to explode. Lisa took a deep breath realizing she was on the verge of a panic attack. As unrealistic a reaction as it seemed she still couldn't stop the tingling sensation in her hands from traveling all the way down to her feet.

Pull yourself together!

Lisa entered the elevator and rubbed her sweat covered palms on her jeans. Her heart was beating so hard that she could hear it. The ding sound coming from the opening elevator doors startled her a little.


Lisa took a deep calming breath and worked on composing herself as she walked out.

"Let's get this over with."

Lisa dug deep for her resolve and pushed forward opening the door to a resonant round of applause.

Lisa blushed as she was caught off guard by the greeting. Accustomed to hiding her emotions, it didn't take long for her to recover and accept the homage that was being given her. She bowed flamboyantly and the ovation intensified. Once over her initial shock, Lisa couldn't help but laugh as she reveled in the whistles and cheers coming from the group of officers squeezed into the room.

One by one Lisa scanned their faces until she came upon Jin looking like the cat that had just eaten the canary. Her right eyebrow arched as she narrowed her gaze in his direction.

You're a dead man, lieutenant.

"Speech, speech, speech!" Jin's grin widened as he started a chant all his own.

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