Chapter 7

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Jin stood quietly at the entrance to his garage watching the raw determination on Lisa's face as she completed yet another set of reps. The weights in her hand weren't nearly as heavy as the last time she'd used his private gym. With no standing in line or worrying over whose sweat was smeared all over the bench, this place was Jin's sanctuary and since Lisa was like family to him, she was entitled the right to share his home privileges.

Inwardly, Jin chuckled thinking of how many times in the last year alone Lisa had crashed on his sofa after a long drawn out case only to start up again as soon as the first pot of coffee was made the next morning. Lisa was family all right, in more ways than one.

Watching the sweat glistening over Lisa's straining arms wasn't doing his libido any more good than standing there would do to help Lisa recover. The clang of iron weights striking the concrete rattle through his brain as Lisa hung her head between her knees while rivulets of sweat dripped from her chin.

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard," Jin advised.

"I gotta get this shoulder back into shape." Lisa stretched her left arm behind her head and grimaced at the pain caused by the movement. "It still hurts."

"That's normal, Lisa. It's only been five weeks since the shooting." Jin picked up a towel and held it out to her. "Some people take months to recover completely."

"I'm not some people, Jin." Lisa snapped grabbing the towel. "And I can't take months to recover."

"When is your next doctor's appointment?"

"Tomorrow morning." She wiped her face then tossed the towel over the bench. "I've got to be cleared to work or I'll lose my mind."

"You've always been a lousy patient."

She glared at him as she stood up. "I know. I'm starting to become a real bitch."

"Tell me about it!" Jin muttered under his breath. Suddenly a nagging idea popped in his mind "So, are you going back to the hospital for your appointment?"

"Nope, the clinic" She turned around and prepared the machine for her next set of weight lifting.

Transfixed and pensive, Jin decided to test the water. "Hey Lisa, I haven't heard you mentioning anything about that Angel Doctor of yours recently. Have you given up on her?"

"Doctor Angel?" Lisa winced as she continued her struggle against the strained muscles on her left shoulder. "No, I figured she was just a dream."

"Only a dream?" Jin queried rather amused.

"Yeah, a drug induced psychosis of some kind. Why?"

"Oh, I don't know." He kept his voice just above a whisper. "I was just thinking, what if she's real?"

"Like that could happen," Lisa snorted. When no reply came, she lifted a suspicious eyebrow in Jin's direction. "What do you know?"

"Just speculating, besides you did say that you saw someone."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," Lisa shook her head dismissively as she continued to adjust the weights in her hand. "But it was probably someone, anyone checking on me."

"So you mean the whole sweet voice, beautiful smile thing..."

"It was just the anesthesia talking." Lisa's face was unreadable. She kept her tough-girl-mask on as she focused on the exercise. "Why all this questioning?"

Her refusing to make eye contact intrigued Jin. "Nothing, just chatting," He shrugged nonchalantly letting the matter drop.

"Well, how about less chatting and a little more help where my concentration's concerned?" Lisa put the hand weight down and motioned toward the bench where the long bar was rested, loaded with fifty pounds of weight. "Care to spot me?"

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