Chapter 13

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Lisa watched the passing landscape from the passenger-side car window. She wasn't used to letting herself be blindly led anywhere, but when the person guiding her was Jennie, Lisa was willing to go through the gates of hell and enjoy it.

As the vehicle's speed slowed, Lisa turned to watch Jennie carefully pull the car to a stop. Without a single word, Jennie got out and motioned for Lisa to follow her. Silently Lisa did just that until she found herself in the middle of a Japanese garden. Lisa surveyed her surroundings and felt a sense of tranquility emanating from the aesthetic elements that had been placed there. She paused for a moment to close her eyes and allow her other senses to come to the forefront. The sound of moving water filled her with exceptional peace. That short moment of respite gave Lisa the courage she needed to keep walking. Slowly, she pushed forward and joined Jennie standing on a small bridge admiring a cascading waterfall that flowed into a clear pond.

"It's a peaceful place you have here."

Jennie's shiver was barely noticeable but it obviously took her by surprise and forced her eyelids to flutter close in an effort to regroup.

Lisa waited patiently spurred on by the tranquility of the surroundings.

"It's even more beautiful under the moon light," Jennie answered without looking at Lisa. "It pleases the spirit. Well, that is, my spirit."

Gathering all her courage, Jennie lifted her eyes and met the penetrating brown gaze that was fixed on her, accelerating her heartbeat and breathing.

"This place is my secret hideaway. I come here when I need to think."

"And what are you thinking?" Lisa asked in a sultry tone all the while keeping eye contact with Jennie.

"I'm trying to understand what's happening to me," Jennie confessed boldly despite the flurry of nervous activity in the pit of her stomach.

Both women regarded each other with slight uncertainty until Jennie broke their gaze and turned her back to Lisa as if trying to regain her ability to think clearly.

"I'm trying to understand why you make me feel the way I do."

"And how do I make you feel?" Lisa's voice was an octave lower than her normal tone making the question sound even more sensual in nature than it was meant.

"Complete, safe...when I'm near you–" Jennie spun fast and found herself face to face with Lisa, so close that she could feel woman's breath on her face. "Tell me why it feels like I've known you for a lifetime when in fact, we've just met."

The urgency of Jennie's plea made Lisa's heart race faster.

"I wish I could." Lisa half-whispered, tucking a stray hair behind Jennie's ear. "The truth is that every time I'm near you, all I can think of is gathering you into my arms and kissing you with all my might."

Lisa lowered her face until the warmth of her breath caressed Jennie's lips. Time stood still as both women struggled to come to terms with what they knew was about to happen. Their hearts were pounding in their ears while passion emanated from their gazes.

Jennie's hesitation melted quickly like an ice cube in the middle of hot August afternoon. She leaned forward and filled the gap that separated them allowing their lips to touch tentatively as a kiss ensued.

Neither could say from whom it came, but a single strangulated moan ignited the passion within them both. Lisa threaded one hand in Jennie's hair pulling her impossibly closer as her lips explored the softness of Jennie's mouth. If that wasn't enough, the feeling of Jennie's hand exploring her body caused Lisa's insides to burn with desire. The sensations she was experiencing far exceeded what she'd been dreaming of for so long.

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