Chapter 19

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"Would you please hold still?" Jisoo tried to keep the patient on her stretcher but she kept struggling against Jisoo. "You're going to end up falling and hurting yourself."

"No, I won't. Let go of me," The patient pushed up again. "I need to get going, I have a meeting in half an hour."

Jisoo blocked the patient's attempt to get past her. "Okay, tell me with whom?"

"I...ah...His name was..." The patient was obviously drawing a blank.

"You can't remember, can you?"

Silence filled the room only to be broken by an exasperated sigh.

"Like this ever changes," Jisoo muttered under her breath. "Okay, Let's start with the simple questions first. Tell me what your name is."

The patient rolled her eyes. "That's easy. My name is..."

"Yes?" Jisoo folded her arms over her chest and tapped the toe of her sneaker on the tile floor. "I'm waiting."

"It's a..." The patient drew her brows together in deep concentration but the sound of Jisoo clearing her throat disturbed her focus. "Damn it! I had it right on the tip of my tongue and you just chased it away."

"I think your meeting has been called off." Jisoo sighed and blocked the patient's way one more time. "In case you haven't noticed, you're in a hospital."

"Hospital?" Her eyes widened sending a bolt of pain right to her head. "Shit!" The patient groaned but tried to get up again. "I have to call my family." She edged off the bed and gained a foothold on the floor but stumbled, falling back onto the stretcher. "On second thought maybe you should, 'cause I can't seem, to remember the numbers, that along with my name." She said rubbing her right temple with her fingers.

"Don't you worry the hospital will get in touch with your family as soon as the phone lines get a little less crowded. Come on, Le—"

"Rose!" The patient sat up as though she'd had a stroke of genius. "That's it! My name is Rose. See, I told you it was on the tip of my tongue," Rose asserted proudly.

"Well, now that we have that out in the open, how about we get you back onto your stretcher." Jisoo helped Rose settle back into her pillow then grabbed Rose's arm to start cleaning out the small slivers of glass from a wound on her forearm.

Rose studied Jisoo's face as she began cleaning out her wound. "So..."

"Yeah, I think you're going to need a few stitches there." Jisoo pointed toward Rose's forehead.

"Huh?" Rose drew one eyebrow up causing her pain. "Yowl! That hurts."

"You wanted to know if you needed stitches, didn't you?"

"No. I was just trying to make some small talk." Rose reached for the injured area on her forehead but Jisoo smacked Rose's hand away before she had a chance to touch the lacerated flesh on her forehead.

"Hey, I thought your motto was to 'do no harm'."

"That's part of the Hippocratic Oath and no, I don't live by it. I'm not a doctor you know. Now sit still and let me take care of this so you don't go getting it infected and we have to chop it off."

The whites of Rose's eyes could be seen entirely around her irises. Rose held perfectly still, more out of shocked fright than obedience.

"Are you always this bossy?" Rose grimaced as Jisoo pulled a piece of glass out of Rose's flesh.

Jisoo pinned Rose with a look that could kill. "Yes, but only with the uncooperative ones."

A sigh of relief escaped Rose's lips. "Good, cause I'm usually a naughty girl." Rose winked at Jisoo.

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