Chapter 3. Chaos faction

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Hours later the human had finally awoken to the sight of a large dragon sleeping next to him, he quickly got up and backed away trying not to make a sound. Her eyes opened staring at him as he quickly started to sweat. That thing was huge! "How did you get here?" She asked curious,

"You... you can speak?"

"Should I ask again?..." She said baring her teeth slightly, if he didn't answer she'd freeze him on the spot.

"I was driven away from my Village by the chaos faction... not even the vikings da-"

"I know the vikings wouldn't dare cross the chaos faction when we're the ones providing the knowledge and the weapons to help them continue..."

"Y-your in the chaos faction?" He asked shocked now even more fear ran through him.

"Idiot... the humans act like they don't know anything at all." He felt the icy air around her mouth get colder.

"Yet still... I don't know whether I should spare humans or just destroy them, it's just like Father said..."

"Father? Wait... who is he?"

"If he were to awaken in a grumpy mood he'd destroy all civilization within millions of miles, does the avatar of destruction ring a bell?" She said a bit amused.

"T-that thing?" His voice sounded shaky.


"Wait! Hold on I-"

He was frozen in place in a matter of seconds, then she picked up the block of ice the human was now in and flew off, stupid fool! Her Father wasn't a thing, he was a dragon and the dragon that was far more powerful then any in history! He even still has at least 648,000 years left in him...

Within the hour she landed in front of a very large village controlled by the vikings, she new glared before changing into her human form but still had a few of her dragon-like features. She opened her mouth wide as a giant unstable looking dark blue ball formed above her nearly the size of the village itself! It started to condense and look more stable as it got smaller and smaller.

Soon it was the size of a small rock and it lowered into her mouth. Now she closed it as a very large amount of steam came out of her mouth since she was baring her teeth, the earth beneath her began to give out and started to move away slowly making a small crater surrounding her.

A small smirk came across her pale skinned face and the ball was quickly shot out of her mouth at the village, once it made impact a giant blue explosion occurred freezing everything nearby as it slowly died down, everything was destroyed then frozen completely.

"Idiots... you most likely won't even thaw out for the next 2,000 years." The dragon said looking at what was once a civilization now a frozen wasteland.

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