Chapter 4. That's not a mountain...

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Within the hour the human was thawed out by the ocean,his face nearly blue and he was shivering terribly. "Is there a village within a 5 mile radius?" That was the first question she asked him when he looked at her.

"Y-yeah..." He said holding his arms tightly for warmth. "Every single person residing there has perished, they were the ones that sent you out?"

He quickly nodded, "The v-vikings almost killed me but I just gave it my all, ran, then e-ended up in the cave. My name is Lex Xustelle..." His blue eyes looked up at the dragon sitting down in front of him.

"You know... perhaps I could help you get better as a viking." she said looking at the giant mountain in the middle of the ocean.

"A-are y-ou serious?." he said starting to warm up slightly, "Not exactly me... but I do know a-" A large net was firing over her before a cannon hit her in the side causing a large roar to come from her mouth.

Lex was about to turn his head before being knocked out with the hilt of a sword, soon the dragon felt a slight burning sensation within her stomach and fell into the snow with a loud thump.
Several vikings had come out of hiding as she slowly turned into her human-like form still unconscious before they were both taken to a large boat heading across the seas.

"Took life enough eh? Most of you idiots wouldn't have even been alive if it wasn't for my plan." The ship master said before being shoved by one of the captains.

"I was the one that made the plan fool!" his voice filled with rage, "Yet i'm the one that started it perfectly! Thereby all credit should belong to me."

One of the soldiers has pointed to a large mountain in the middle of the ocean with a bit of steam around it.

The Dragon started to wake up and look around seeing Lex backed into a corner slightly chained looked in complete awe.

"The hell is that?! No mountain within in the land is that big!"

The ship master yelled as the began to shake and tremble making giant pieces of rock and obsidian fell into the water causing giant splashes to shake the boat nearly making go completely under the water.

They felt themselves shaking as clearly every piece of land within 2,000 miles began to shake.

She began to smile as the shape of a neck came out of the water with a head being held up by it.

It's face then turned to the quite literal tiny boat compared to it as the orange eyes seemingly glowed slightly in the dark with it's pupils staring right at them.

They couldn't see the inside of his mouth but it looked like it was literally Hell itself having a party within it.

"That's not a mountain... that's my Father..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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