2 || Saving Garchomp

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In Lumiose City, Ash, Bonnie, Clemont and the two Pokémon ran as fast as they could to the Professor's Lab with the injured Froakie.

"This way! Hurry up!"

Ash continued to follow Bonnie and the mysterious Eevee and Umbreon, leaving Clemont to flail behind, too exhausted too keep up. The two humans and two Pokémon skidded to a halt when they noticed how far behind Clemont was.

"Clemont! Go faster!" Bonnie urged her older brother.

"I'm running as fast as I can!" Clemons's wheezed out. "Ash, don't wait for me! Get going!"

"You got it, Clemont!" Ash replied.

"I can't believe how slow my brother is," Bonnie sighed.

          "Ash! This way!" Bonnie called as a building came into sight and she pointed towards it, "That's it! The Sycamore Pokemon Lab!"

          They ran through the double doors, into the lobby, and Ash called out, "Professor Sycamore! Are you here?!" hoping to hear an answer.

          Ash and Bonnie were greeted by the professor who looked like he just woke up from a nap. Professor Sycamore is a middle-aged man, with black, curly hair, and some facial hair under his ears. He rubbed sleep from his eyes and they opened to show he has bluish eyes. Sycamore wears a blue shirt, black trousers with a yellow belt, which has the buckle shaped like a circle, and also wears orange socks and brown trainers with grey stripes. Sycamore also wears a brown watch on his left arm and wears a white lab coat.

          Once he was in the lobby, he immediately noticed a familiar Froakie in Ash's embrace, he immediately ran towards them.

          "Froakie, no!" he exclaimed as he gently took the Pokémon from Ash's hold.

"You know this Froakie, Professor?" Ash questioned, stepping back.

"I sure do. Sophie, come quick!" the Professor yelled back to the corridor he appeared from.

"We've been so worried about you, your trainer has been in recent contact with us. . ." he said to the Water-Type Pokémon.

A blue haired woman wearing a white lab coat appeared from the corridor. She wears a light blue collared blouse underneath her lab coat and wears a grey skirt, falling just mid-thigh, with a dark grey belt. She also wears black-grey tights and she wears flats of a color similar to her belts color. Professor Sycamore handed the injured Pokemon over to the women, who immediately took it and ran back where she came from.

"Thanks, Professor. We've been worried about Froakie too. So, is Froakie's trainer on the way here now?" Ash queried.

Professor Sycamore sighed in sadness, "I'm afraid not. He contacted us to let us know, he wanted to give a up Froakie. . ."

Ash gasped. He had never heard of a trainer willing to give back a Pokemon. He however was soon snapped out of his thoughts by Bonnie's loud gasp.

"Hey!! Where did Eevee and Umbreon go?!!" she whined. Ash and Bonnie noticed that the two Pokémon that helped them out were no longer in the building.

          "Maybe they left when we came in?" Ash theorised, scratching his head.

Bonnie pouted, "No! I saw them come in with us, and now they're gone!"

          "They probably went back to their trainer. . ." Ash once again suggested, but was was cut of by another of Bonnie's rants.

          "No fair! I wanted to play with them! I was gong to be friends with them forever and ever!" Bonnie pouted her cheeks once again and crossed her arms over her chest. Just on cue, Clemont sluggishly arrived at the lab, falling to the floor on all fours absolute exhaustion.

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