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The grass waved lazily, pushed by the gentle breeze, tickling her bare feet as she lay in the clearing enjoying the warm day. She watched as some birds had just started building a nest, fascinated at their mess of scraps slowly taking shape.

After a few moments she closed her eyes and lifted her hand, feeling the sun warm it. Deftly she twisted strands of its light between her fingers, smiling at their efforts to break free, at their anguish in being pinned. With chilling accuracy and her eyes still shut, she she aimed one of the sun needles at the birds, laughing at their indignant squawks as their nest tuned to ash under them.

She stopped mid laugh, tensed, as she sensed someone behind her. Quick as lightning she she aimed the largest needle between his eyes, only to have him pull a passing breeze to knock it away.

"Save your strength for the battlefield, sister."

It was only then that she opened her eyes, exposing the anger and madness that was eating her from the inside out. Yet her voice betrayed nothing when she spoke.

"Power does not bond. Only breaks."

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