Prison Visit Part 2

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The silence hung thick and heavy warring with the panic inside. She looked up through her curtain of hair hanging in her face to the being who had just entered her cell. Short dark hair and a wide face. And tall, very tall. Those were the only things she was able to notice but because of dark or the tattoo of her nervous heart she wasn't sure. Her manacles were removed and she was dragged from her cell.

When she was finally able to see through the stabbing pain that the light wrecked on her eyes she looked around. She had never been in this part of the prison before. Dark walls looking like they were closing in on her, a low tabled with two chairs and a pack of cards resting innocently on it.

"Oh yes," she whispered and the guards who dragged her there shuffled uncomfortably as she laughed aloud with pure delight. They settled her down none too gently on one of the chairs, chaining her leg to a ring in the floor and only then was she able to get a good look at the boy.

A crooked nose, broad shoulders that stretched the fabric of his shirt, neck muscles taunt from nerves, knees crammed up against the underside of the table.These came to her in snatches as she put the puzzle that was him together and only when she was finished did she pick up the cards as she was itching to do since she stepped into the room.

As she shuffle she spoke, "You didn't listen to her advice," she tutted, "Foolish."

He opened his mouth but snapped it closed.

She chuckled, "You are smart not to speak yet. Smart yet still foolish. You are right to be nervous."

He paled further and she gave a short laugh. Without another word she set out the cards in a complicated arrangement and studied them.

She sat frozen like that for what felt like hours then, abruptly, collected the cards with a practiced sweep of her arm and a curt, "You really shouldn't have come here."

"But what do you See?" His voice was cracking, "Tell me."

She look at him with an expression that clearly said no and opened her mouth, he assumed to echo that sentiment, but instead what came out was, "I will give you a letter of recommendation but that's it. Don't ever come back."

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