Part 34

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Micheal Banes

I got up and got ready for my day at the garage. "Up bright and early! I'm liking this already." He gave me a lunchbox and shoved a piece of toast with bacon in my mouth. "Let's get a move on." Monica waved at me and I gave her a gentle kiss on her head. "Have fun." I smiled before hopping in the truck. 

When we got the the garage, people were already there. "Give me a minute boys." He opened the garage and that was it. We were working nonstop. I haven't had this much fun in years. "Look at you! You trying to steal my job from me, boy?" He joked. "No sir, just helping you out."

Then a car pulled in and a huge guy came out. "Theo back for a check?" He smiles then looks at me. "Oh don't mind him, this is Micheal, he's Monica's boyfriend." I looked at the big guy as Joseph head to the back. "So you're the man that stole my woman from me."  His woman? "I don't know what you're talking about." He give me a look. "She was mine and then you just jumped in and picked her up."

Okay, this is getting sad. "She isn't some kind of charity work, white boy, stick to your own kind." I just chose to ignore him and checked his car. "So you can't hear now, huh, white boy?" I came here to get on Monica's father good side, I'm not letting him or anyone else get in my way. "I'm just checking your car." I heard him laugh. "I know you're scared, you probably can't even take me on anyway."

I stood up and walked up to him wiping my hands from the oil. "Everything looks good, you can go now." With that I took the money out of his hand and walked away. Joseph came back and took the money. "Alright, I'll see you later, Theo." He got in his car and drove off. "How about we eat lunch, it's been a busy day."


Monica Rhodes

Mom cut the carrots up and I stirred the pot. "S-" I cut her off. "Mom, not today, please, I'm not in the mood for your insults, maybe another time." I sighed. "I was just going to ask you how'd you two meet?" Was she joking? I glanced at her. "We met at work." I answered dryly. "Come on, there has to be m-" I put the spoon down. "I'm sorry but why do you care all of a sudden? Did dad put you up to this?"

She sighed. "No, I just want to know." I shook my head. "Don't pretend to care about me now, mom." I cut the onions up and put them in the pot. After that the kitchen was quiet. "I know I'm not the best mother to you like I should have been bu-" I dropped the knife. "I really don't want to hear it, you had your chance to be a mother and apologize." She folded her arms and shook her head. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you-" Dad put her up to this, I can smell it.

"Stop already, I don't care." How can she just say sorry for all the hurt she put me through the years? A simple sorry can't don't do shit! I glanced at her, seeing that she was looking right at me. "Well I tried." She shrugged like it was no big deal which made me laugh at her. "And what's so funny?" I stopped, looking at her dead in her eyes. "You're my problem! You have never loved me since the day I was born, you treated me like the dirt under your feet, you never even gave me the time of day!! And for what? My skin was darker than everyone else's " Her eyes soften as I spoke.

"I did everything to get your attention, I got high grades, I went to the best university, I did everything!" Tears dropped from my eyes. I hated crying in front of her but I was holding in too much. Everything was bottled up in me. "I just gave up one day, realizing that you don't and you won't ever love me like Anthony. It hurt but I accepted it. I moved on with my life." Mom eyes filled with tears, "I didn't know you felt that way-" I rolled my eyes.

"I shouldn't have to feel that way!! You're my mother God dammit! Every day I spent in this house with you was hell! I didn't come back here for a fucking reason and that's you!!" She gasped at me, her eyes widened with my language. "So you can keep your damn sorry." With that I walked out the kitchen.

Micheal Banes

"I haven't done that in so long, it feels good." We both smiled, hopping into the truck. "You were a natural. Where did you learn that?" He asked as he reversed. "I wasn't always rich, Mr. Rhodes, I knew what was going to bed without a meal or saving something for a week, I know what it's like to use a gas station for a bathroom." He glanced at me. "I never would have thought, I'm sorry for assuming."

I shrugged. "No one knew who I was until I made my first million." I remember buying my parents their first home. "I worked at a garage for money but since I didn't know anything at first, but I looked on and then I learnt. I didn't make much but I helped my dad a lot." Then a silence filled the air. "I saw what happened between you and Theo today." Oh great, he thinks I'm a punk for not standing up for myself.

"I admire how calm you are. I'm glad you don't have a temper, you just walked away from it." I felt happy, knowing that I impressed him. "I had a temper, it was really bad, but then your daughter came into my life and my anger calmed. I will forever be grateful, she taught me a lot."

Joseph nods, before pulling up to the house. Everything was super quiet, I don't know if that was a good thing or bad. "Hi, honey, how was your day?" His wife came in and kissed him. "Very busy, how was yours?" She shrugged. "It could have been better." Was all she said, then looked at me with a smile. "You probably worked hard, please go freshen up for dinner." She was being...nice. I wonder what happened.

"Where's my daughter?" Joseph questioned. "She's setting the table." Just then Monica came to greet me with a smile. My heart warmed up and she kissed me. "Had fun?" All I did was nod, I couldn't stop looking at how beautiful she was. "I had a great time with your dad." She smiles. "Go get cleaned up for dinner, I'll see you in a bit." Grinning like an idiot, I nod as she disappeared into the kitchen once more. 

I finally snapped out of it to see her parents looking at me. "You're in love my boy." Joseph pats my back hard. "Come on, let's bathe and eat." I smiled at him, making my way up the stairs.

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