Chapter Four

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The rest of my school day was uneventful. I spent my lunch with PJ walking around school. I found myself surprised at the school's beauty. What made it beautiful was very un-school like. Large trees were scattered around the grounds with students sitting underneath them, chatting amongst friends. There was almost no concrete paths connecting buildings, it was all soft grass. I found the school's surroundings slightly inconsistent with Principal Ribbon, who seemed like a hard and strict man who liked almost nothing, especially not greenery. I wasn't going to complain, though. My old school was a concrete jungle, full of tall buildings that had the color sucked out of them. Miniature dust storms were common with the lack of foliage around the school.

As I walked around the school and spoke to PJ, I learned that he was a gamer, World of Warcraft being his weapon of choice. I tried it once, but I soon realized that if I didn't stop I'd never have a life (not that I have much of one now). Another thing I learned was that PJ was a computer whiz. He told me how he had connected his whole house to his smart phone. At a touch of a button he could control almost everything electrical. Immediately I thought of the pranks I could play on Faith with that kind of power. PJ also shared that his father was the CEO of an IT firm while his Mom stayed at home. From the sounds of it, his family was very well-off. But that wealth hadn't bought PJ any personal happiness. It almost seemed like the opposite. As an only child, he took interest in all his father's interests, games, technology, and computers, which were all solitary activities. This left PJ with some holes in his social skills.

Classes resumed with Economics. I couldn't perceive a more boring subject. Mr. Rhees, whose red face always made him looked baked, had this monotone voice that could put an insomniac to sleep.

What woke me up was a text from Mom. Hi sweetie, I am taking Faith to the mall after school to pick up some extra school supplies, would you like us to pick you up on the way?

This would be a good way to avoid the mountain of homework that had accumulated during the day.

Sure Mom, Sounds good. Cya then. X. I replied.

When school ended for the day I walked to the school entrance with PJ and waited for my Mom. When I gave PJ my number he smiled from ear to ear. After only one day I could recognize that he was a good kid. Where a lot of rich kids became spoiled, years of bullying had humbled him. He reminded me of Atticus when we picked him up from the breeder. He looked so small and fragile, like the slightest wind would knock him over. I soon learned with Atticus that this was not the case. He would fiercely protect anything he cared about, whether it was me or his toys. Even though it was silly to admit, I admired that about Atticus—having such determination despite his little size. Everyone, including myself could learn a thing or two from Atticus about protecting what we love.

Mom rolled up in her beat-up Sedan. The car had barely survived the trip to Conway, and was on its last legs.

'Alright PJ, I'll catch ya tomorrow,' I said, holding out my fist. He stared at it from a second. He smiled and returned the fist-bump.

I made myself comfortable in the back seat while Faith was in the front.

'How was your day sweetie?' Mom asked.

'Yeah it was okay,' I replied, pulling my headphones out of my pocket.

'Did you make any friends?'

'Yeah kinda, I guess.' I answered.

'Who? That nerdy looking kid?' Faith interjected.

'Least my friends don't buy pieces of their faces in shopping centers' I retorted.

'Kids, that's enough!' Mom's voice had risen above the ongoing traffic. We both went silent.

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