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The boy before me runs a shaky hand through his messy blonde hair. He looks up at me from his spot in the street, almost looking startled like a deer in headlights.

"Oh hello." he smiles nervously and runs his hands through his hair again.

"Ever heard of a shower?" I retort, glaring at him.

"My family just moved here. It was a bit of a long trip; no time for a shower." he laughs and I notice a heavy Irish accent.

"Sure." I agree with a simple nod of my head.

"You live here?" he asks curiously pointing to the house behind me.

Was this kid stupid? Why else would I be standing on the front porch of the house.

"....." I stay silent.

"...is that a yes?" he asks giving another nervous laugh.

"I don't answer stupid questions." I remark and he closes his mouth quickly.

"Of course, that's my bad." he apologizes.

"MAE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" my dad bellows from inside the house.

"That would be my cue to leave." I mutter and the boy smiles slightly.

"See you later, Mae." he laughs with a smirk before stalking over to his new home.

What a weird kid with his little mood swing there. I stand there for a few more minutes before turning around and entering my shit hole of a house.


"There she is, the girl of the hour." my dad slurs, "Did you restock the fridge princess?"

I slightly cringe at the nickname my father used to adorn me with as a younger child, "No dad, there isn't any beer in the house."

"Mae, I told you to restock the fridge last night." he scowls.

"You also passed out before I could get money to do any shopping." I quietly growl.

"Don't talk to me like that." he threatens, stepping forward a bit only inches from my face.

"You're a fucking good for nothing low-life." I mutter and his eyes fill with rage, and he hits me across the face.

I stumble back and raise my hands expecting more, but then there's a knock at the door.

My dad lowers his fist and saunters over the door, but not before leaning in, "We're not done here."

I shiver a bit but then he walks away to open the door. A woman stands on our front porch with the boy I had only met seconds ago.

"Hi!" she exclaims, "I'm Maura Horan and this is my son Niall."

"Hello." my father greets kindly and I roll my eyes.

"Oi, Mae!" the boy, Niall smiles and waves warmly.

"Hi Niall." I mumble and my father shoots me the death glare.

"Oh, you two already seem to have gotten acquainted!" Maura exclaims with a small clap of her hands.

"Something like that." I respond and she smiles even wider if possible.

"Lovely, could you possibly show my boy around? He loves to wander about but in such a new environment I tend to worry." she explains and I lock eyes with Niall.

"You heard the woman Mae. Go show her son around, and while you're at it, go to the store and pick up a few things." My dad urges feeling around for his wallet.

He hands me a $100 bill, which surprises me as well as the smile he forces.

"Go buy yourselves something nice while your at it, you know?" he laughs shakily and I nod my head politely, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Thank you." I whisper and shuffle out the front door, "C'mon blondie." I call to Niall and hear him scurry along side me.

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