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"Well look at who we've got here." Harry's voice perks up as I take a step forward.

"What?" I snap.

"You just look hot." Harry smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Mae!" Louis shouts down the hall and runs up towards me engulfing me in a giant bear hug.

"Ugh, Lou!" I laugh and ruffle his hair.

"I've missed you!" He cries out.

"Louis, you could've come visit me whenever you wanted!" I laugh and he frowns.

"You know the rules Maeple" he tuts using his nickname for me.

"I remember, no talking to people outside of the gang." I sigh.

"Once you left, we couldn't talk to you." he whimpers, "Don't leave again."

"Lou, I left for a reason."

"What happened with Liam was a one time thing." Harry butts in.

"...." I shake the memories from my head and they creep forward.

"Where is Zayn?" Louis asks Harry and he shrugs in response.

"No clue, but I found Niall." he smirks evilly and I glare at him.

The three of us lean into the lockers behind us and cross our arms as Niall walks towards me.

"You're a really fast runner Mae." Niall huffs.

"Mae, who is this?" Louis asks, raising his head slightly to the blonde boy.

"Niall Horan." Harry answers for me.

"Mae?" Niall looks confused, "Why are you with Harry?"

"Wait, Mae, you talk to this...commoner?" Louis sniffs.

I forgot about Louis mood changes. He's really a great guy once you get to know him but he can be very cold hearted to people outside of our group.

"Uh...no, he's just a new neighbor." I mumble and look away.

"You hear her faggot?" Harry sneers, "Get the fuck out of my sight before I give you another beating.

Louis and I laugh and I refuse to make eye contact with the boy. Niall sniffles as though he's close to tears and then shuffles away. I look up and he shoots me a sad glance as he walks down the hallway.

"You don't need to worry about him now that you have us Mae!" Louis smiles widely, "If he bothers you, let me know."

"Won't be necessary Lou, but thanks."

"The girls can't wait to see you." Harry interjects and I smile fondly.

"Let's go see them!" Lou beams and we all laugh.

"Sounds like a plan."


"MAE!" Eleanor shouts and rushes to me wrapping her arms around my neck.

"El!" I giggle and wrap my arms around her tiny waist.

"How have you been darling?" Perry steps out from behind the girl currently holding onto me for dear life.

"Grand." I reply sarcastically and they laugh.

"Still as beautiful as ever." El winks as she pulls away and I laugh.

"I don't think beautiful is the right word."

"Gorgeous, stunning, super duper amazing-est person ever! Any of those the right word?" she giggles and I smile softly.

I had grown quite fond of the little brunette when I was in the gang. Perrie's hair was blonde and dip dyed purple, which was very different from my natural black hair. I was kinda bland looking with medium height and average weight, no wheres near close to having a thigh gap mind you.

"I'm glad you've decided to rejoin us." Perrie smiles and I shake my head lightly.

"It wasn't an easy choice."

"I'm sure it wasn't, but you came to your senses." she laughs and El grins.

"We have so much to catch up on!" El says.

"We sure do." I agree.

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